Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
Task 1
Battle Prowess - The Arena -
Complete.Deck creation:Bless me with poison (,29125.msg397581#msg397581)
Arena Screenshots:



Task 2 - Complete
Card Design - Shardxn0ize's shard - Shard of Humor (,28846.msg397709#msg397709)
xn0ize's shard Criticism :
1st Shard Criticism : Shard of Order (,28846.msg394441#msg394441)
okay, your shard is preety nice with flooding, but that is it really , shuffling order wont always help you, and that effect of destroying permaments can hit your floodings as well, this shard is really can be only used in water/air decks , and those are not common at all,
i think you should change the shard to water, and make it shuffle all creatures besides water, and maybe add a 2nd effect that you will benefit from it,like that it can freeze random creatures after shuffling, or something like that, and raise cost to 4 with these improvements,i liked this shard, but in it's current form , it's preety UP if you ask me, ofcourse it can be used successfuly with flooding, but you can't make a shard that will only rely on only 1 card, thought if you will decide to keep this idea as it is, and this will be taken as a shard to the game , i'm sure it will be used alot with water/air combos, i'm just to give criticism , it's up to you to decide what to do! good luck!
2nd Shard Criticism : Shard of Resilience (,28846.msg394422#msg394422)
hello deathpanda!, i'm going to write my criticism about your shard ;], hope you don't mind .
okay, i find this card VERY op , it scares me how op this can be, play 3 shards and nothing can harm your creatures, play 6shards, and your creatures have a crazy defense , not to mention the player, 6 less damage from everything... i pity for rushes, it's like the best shield that exists , momentum doesn't help, and you need 6 PC to remove the whole protection, so after we realized how OP this is, lets fix this , shall we? , okay i think this should have a turn period , about 5turns , i think 5 is a good number, maybe even 4 , i don't know for sure, you really need to make it less powerfull , i really see the only option is the turns period if you wish to keep your idea same as it is right now , just change a little instead of making a whole new brand idea, hope i helped !
3nd Shard Criticism : Shard of Control (,28846.msg394133#msg394133)
hello powdergame, i'm here to try and help you to improve your shard, lets begin :].
it seems that this card is a little UP, yes it works terrific in pestal or what so ever, but it needs some moding ..
looks like you wanted this card to have effect on your creatures too, that's what i think from your notes any how,thing is, if the opponent wont have any creatures really , you'll be in trouble, since this shard wont be any helpful.
i recommend that you change the effect not only for your opponent's creatures, but for yours too,that will help if you have an antimattered creatures, and if you don't want the creature to hit some sort of shield [ fire shield] and stuff like that, so that's the only change that i see that can make your shard alot more stronger and balanced, thought i do fear this shard abuse with pestal, but regardless, good luck!
4th Shard criticism : Shard of Clarity (,28846.msg394531#msg394531)
Hello geldon!,i will discuss about your shard.
i believe that this shard is alittle bit OP unupped, why? because you can stack bunch of these, add more healing to the deck, and after a while, you got 15purify counters, which seems bit OP for me.
unupped isn't that fast, so you can set up the shard and sanctuaries and stuff really fast and then you'll just heal your self to 20000hp , lol.
i have seen your edit so this will be less stronger, but i think that 3 turns is better than 2, if there are no poison counters,you'll get 1 purify counter every 3 turns, i believe that will lower the effect in the unupped , and will make this less SoG and more poison counter [ i hate poison counters, but i sure do like your shard]
basically only thing that was needed a fix is the gain of purify counters , which you tried to fix, but like i said , think 3 is better.
5th Shard Criticism : Shard of Justice (,28846.msg396072#msg396072)
Hello HNLP93, we will discuss about your shard, shard of justice.
after seeing this card at first time, i kinda liked it, but then i started thinking that this might get a little too OP.
in an aether / gravity duo, spam alot of dimshields, armagios, TUs, and you get a very strong creatures in no time, not to mention gravity dragons, or combine with BB, this card can be very overpowered,
i see few solutions, lower the cost to 2 aether quanta, and make time period of the effect, like 3 turns, 4 , that can lower the power of the card.
other solution is to make a cap , like 20 attack max to balance,
sample : armagio with 60 defense, instead of giving it 30 attack, it will only get to 20 .
these are the things that i believe that work best for improvement of the shard ,the cap doesn't have to be 20, but i like that number thought, good luck friend.
6th Shard Criticism : Shard of Forsight (,28846.msg395120#msg395120)
At the first glance at this card, i thought about precog right away .
first of all, you need to make an upgraded form of your shard.
secondly , you need to change the effect of your shard, seeing your opponents cards for 0 quanta with out time limit looks just too OP for me.
i see few options for this card,that the shard will have limit of 2turns in seeing your opponets cards , and when you use it effect, you can see his hand again, and destroy the top card as well.
i'm aware that this will make the shard alot more weaker, but it looks too good for that price,you can always make the turns limit bigger and make the shard more expensive .
i any how think that you should go with the first solution, it seems to be better balance to the card.
good luck with the shard, i hope you'll find your way to modify it.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Task 3 - Complete
DeckBuilding.Deck help - 1.Silveron's deck : a deck with potential. (,28788.msg397997#msg397997)
EmeraldTiger's Deck collection: click here for all 3 comments. (,26926.msg398059#msg398059)
Dedmanwalkin[water/death duo ] - 183 words.
hickorytock[death/time duo] - 178 words.
spiderman789[death/air/aether trio] - 193 words.5.DjHopper's deck.:
upped death rush : this post will get you poisoned . (,27783.msg398066#msg398066) - 180 words.
6.TehColins's Death/Fire immo deck: click here for da post, you wont get poisoned this time , only burnt. (,28650.msg398070#msg398070)
Deck help for death/fire immo deck- 166 words.