Elements the Game
Fighting Half BloodsI present to you Obsidian Power (
Elements Article
Article WritingWoE Feedback, counted as 731 words, this includes skill names which are not part of the feedback, but I assume total feedback is more than 600 words
Mark of DarknessThe most basic and starting skill of Darkness, Darkness is probably one of the luckier to start with this skill, since Darkness has no problems at all with it.
BackstabbingWhile annoying for the opponent, this barely benefits you. With there being a lot of teams 6 cards from one of the opponents' players less is insignificant. Could be very useful if one player is constantly bothering you, but then you will need a 2-0 win against him/her as well.
Quanta LeechI personally love and recommend this skill for beginners, it's an easy way to gain free xp against virtually any opponent. The fact that it's based upon your opponents pillars is even better, Darkness is good at denial, denial is good against big stalling decks, which tend to have lots of pillars. Might be less useful as xp requirements rise, since the amount of pillars will only lessen over time.
Bane of LightWhile extra XP is always useful, I personally dislike and disrecommend this skill, since Darkness' worst nightmare is Light, no element counters Darkness the way Light does with spells like Holy Light to destroy any unbuffed creature from Darkness. It might be an idea to balance similar skills based on how difficult this matchup tends to be, so only + 1 xp for Light and + 3 xp for Darkness? It doesn't seem fair as is anyway. At least uncombined with other skills.
DisguiseSituational, at best. I wouldn't choose this skill untill it becomes clear what you can do in hostile cities. So feedback on this skill is lacking untill this becomes clear.
Summon CreaturesMight be useful in the beginning, when you lack proper creatures, but isn't a usefull addition if you already have a proper deck. Choose this skill if you lose a lot, and frequently have to discard
Shadow LeapBrilliant potential if used properly, as long as your team scatters itself across the map as often as possible, you can simply jump to safety, or all jump to one player standing near a town they want to conquer. I love this skill, but it is limited in that you can only jump to allies with this skill, while sacrificing all you AP and a Relic. Make sure your team coördinates movement and skill distribution efficiently if you intend to use this skill.
StealthAnother strategic skill usefull for retreating, or a tactical offense. Not being able to do most things without revealing yourself hurts, since you can go along and stroll around in enemy territory, but do practically nothing unless you want to get lynched. Great synergy with Shadow Leap, let one player infiltrate enemy territory, and let the rest of the team Shadow Leap towards him/her for a sneak attack.
SacrificeSituational, it's best if you either expect a close battle in which each upgrade counts, or if you have a lot of spare electrum and can easily waste it on upgrading even more of your cards. Could be deadly if it stacks (does it?).
Depending on what, if any at all, items they carry this could be usefull combined with Stealth, steal an item first, and then quickly vanish away before they want to beat you up for it

Potentially great if the item stolen is extremely valuable.
Mage HunterEpic skill, although Darkness can easily be beaten without spells, Darkness is hurt more by spells than a lot of other elements. It gives use to Bane of Light, for what is Light without Fractal RoL Hope, Holy Light or Miracle? Fresh meat for Darkness, that's what. Immolation and Nova becomes useless, too, perfect denial counters. An extremely epic skill, worthy of tier 4.
Dark PrinceAnother way of gaining more xp, your opponent losing something on a long term besis doesn't really benifit you much, and Quanta Leech can already gain you xp. Not really great for a tier 4 skill IMO. Might want to lower it's tier/increase amount of xp drained.
Champion of DarknessIf you manage to win 2-0, get this skill, have your opponent use a lot creatures (combined with Mage Hunter you can make this happen

) this would give you perfect Sacrifice fodder, while seriously hurting your opponent at the same time. A nice cream on top of the cake that synergizes with a lot of other skills at the same time.