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Managed to build this 32 cards deck and still have left 53
( +100=153
Tip-Start selling expensive cards first and bying cheap ones instead of them.
This way you will allways have minimum of 30 cards in deck.
Yes,its similar to Dragon/UG deck,but is CHEAPER.
Also Dragon deck cant be afforded with limited resources like this.
But,you can stream to that deck with
you earn with this deck.
Instead of 6x106=636
(for Dragons) price here is 6x28=168
(for Wyrms).
Tested vs Elders and have over 50% victories in total.
UG-s can be played with no worry.
Only vs Elder with Emerald Shield is
duo,but its 1/13 of all decks.
Vs this one play and ignite UG-s soon as possible.
Hardest opponent imo is
Blessed Dune Scorpion deck because of stalling with 3 Reverse times.
How to effectively use the deck :
Play cards as soon as possible.If you have 6 quanta-play UG,if less-play Wyrm.
Dive Wyrm rather than playing UG or other Wyrm one on the field.
Dont ignite UG imidiatelly for 2 reasons (
Elder-play ASAP ) :
-wait if Eder play some creature that might be dangerous for you (Otyugh),or busting (Lava Golem,Spirits)
-accomulate UG-s to avoid healing with Miracles and Empatic Bonds.
Tip-if want to ignite UG,do it before you play next Wyrm on field.