I may be idealist about the term 'Master of an Element', but personally I'm starting to feel since the last two Trials, that Phase 1 - despite its name - proves nothing of one's worthiness. Apart from the fact that I really miss a good and challenging PvE task, this can be read in the header:
"This phase is different in each Trial. It usually has something to do with helping out the community, but it can also be something where you show your skills as an Elements player."
Now, to be honest, this current phase has nothing - or just little - to do with either. On one part, deckbuilding sure is fun, especially with limitations; but even if there's a target group of AI for the deck to defeat, there's no ask for proof that it actually fulfills its purpose. Unless, of course, the Overseer does his personal testrun (say, 10-20 gamebase?) per deck/AI, but that I doubt; though I agree, that some decks are able to simply speak for themselves.
On the other part, the current tasks add nothing to the community's benefit, except for the mass confusion (like on Kong) maybe, that some participants achieved with spreading their Task III submissions as the next best thing. If I remember correctly, this is the first time that there's no Deck Helping task; not that they were a 100% beneficial, but still, many things could be 'gleaned' from these simple comments about a participant's knowledge and attitude towards players and ideas. Even if these comments were somewhat constrained.
And one other thing: it may only be a personal rant, but I really dislike cardmaking in Trials, we have plenty of space for that elsewhere (and again, no offense against cardmakers: it's just that these 'skills' are sort of indirect as in the role of a Master). I - for instance - can spend months with one single idea, pondering about details, thematical/balance issues and such, before I feel it's fully ready to be presented as a (wannabe) future part of the game. But currently, I have ~a week to come up with one or more cards that I feel would be fun, balanced and also constructive addition(s), along with concentrating on the other tasks. Not that it can't be done, but it's unnecessarily stressful and then again, the form of their rating and judgement, and furthermore, the need for them is questionable also.
That's enough for now, I think.