Why are shards not allowed, yet nymphs are?
Shards are pretty much never allowed in tournaments. Even if they were, they're all odd-numbered casting costs anyway except for shard of sacrifice. Personally, I disagree with this, other than with shard of sacrifice, which is too strong, but I don't make the rules

I mean, we can use rare weapons, which are only very slightly easier to obtain (since non-arena AIs can give them) and nymphs. (oracle rewards for lucky players) It takes more skill to get a shard than a nymph, but we can use nymphs and not shards.
Even though nymphs are allowed in this one, you'll have to have and use two of the same nymph to put it in your deck, so we probably won't see a lot of them this tourney. I've been here just over a year, and under these rules the only nymphs I have the option of using are entropy, fire and water, because I have 0 or 1 of all the rest.
This one's at 2am for me, which is a bit harsh, but if I'm still up I'll definitely enter. We should have a fairly good European crowd this time, though, since it will be Saturday morning/afternoon for them.