Couple random ideas we brainstormed today, either in chat or that I thought up at work:
Time/death duo: Nobody knows we can pull this one off, and I was thinking it would work against Team Fire. The bone walls would be a good way to stop phoenix and golems. With fire's heavy CC, every time we lose a creature, we'll get two more shields. It is a good answer to fahrenheit as well, and if they play immorush, they feed our wall as well. (or slow their rush down)
Time/air duo: We have Wings in the vault, but we haven't used them for several rounds, so people might not realize we have them. I think the last time we used them, we lost, so people probably think we discarded them. (which I think we did, but we salvaged them from someone else) I was thinking that they might work well against Team Death. Arsenic would be hosed for 5 turns, which is a pretty big deal. Mummies and spiders are stopped as well; I think only their dragon and poison gets through, and for their dragon, we have RT/eternity/BB. Even if they played something creatureless like pandebonium, wings chain would still basically hose arsenic for the entire game, given a friendly RNG. I think wings might work against entropy as well, (hoses discord for one) particularly if they don't use PC. They do have dragons and maxwells that fly, and have used both in the past, so that's why I think it would work better against death.
Time/aether ghostal: Despite our dismal round 5, we've still got one ghostal in the vault

I'm not sure who best to use it against, but it's done very well against most PCless strategies.
Time/dark duo: We've only got 2 nightmares, but we've got a lot of steals, so this could still be a promising deck against decks with lots of permanents. Nightmare is also really nice against fractal, if we are expecting that.
Time/entropy: We've still got 3 discords, so we can either do a duo with this, or that novabow thing we've done a couple times casting discord off the mark. We also have pandemoniums that nobody knows we have yet. I thought this would work against RoL/Hope, but ITR tested it, and it doesn't work.
Time/light: We've still got the light stall, and with 12 sancs in the vault, we could almost make two of them, or at least be less afraid to lose one. (but we aren't allowed to lose any more games! :p)
Time/gravity: We've got black holes nobody knows about, but how useful that is against anything besides novabow or UW, I don't know. Pharaoh is an option here, as is gravity shield if we're expecting large creatures. We also have the option to salvage chargers from water's water/gravity deck.
Then of course there's the possibility of up to 2 novabows, with 12 novas.