Alright, so looking through this post so far we have:

: bripod tested the time/fire deck and it worked well against pulvy and dbh, so he'll probably go with that

: 10 men wants to use light stall

: ffun wants to use time/earth duo

: I made a time/earth duo as well, I think we can play both as long as one of us gives up a few earthquakes
Either ffun or I could go with a grabbow, too.

: valuka is still testing some ideas out here

: Don't think anyone has worked on this yet; maybe the time/aether or the wings deck? Or ghostmare?

: suicide pillar deck? Seriously, we're stumped here. How do you beat 9 upgrades with nova in-element?

: Other than my half-ass pharaoh deck, don't think we have any suggestions here
Decks we can still build:
-time/entropy discord
-time/air wings