A few random ideas/comments:
LIGHT: So far they have played a lot of crusader decks, and RT/eternity should be pretty good against those. They also used a firestall against us in round 2, which we shut out 3-0 with a fractal deck. I think if we can build a deck that beats crusader and firestall that we will be good in this matchup.
ENTROPY: They used lots of nova decks and a couple monoentropy decks, including one against us last round that we beat with a nova deck. I'd be tempted to use another novabow here again, if we have the cards to spare from the other decks.
WATER: Looking at water's decks, most of them are extremely similar to each other. They've got a lot of mostly monowaters with hard-hitting creatures and then a few cards from a supporting element, like lightnings or sancs or whatever. They did have one novabow, too. We beat them with almost exactly the same deck we used vs Light, a fractal deck. I think as long as we can make a deck that beat what they had last round, and won't lose to some sort of stall, we'll be okay.
EARTH: Earth beat us in round 1 with an earth/air deck using dragons, eagle's eye, and wings. In round 2 they used almost the same deck, and we beat them with momentum scorpions. Their decks seem to fit into a few different categories; graboid nova deck, stall deck, and that earth/air deck they already used against us twice. I think I'd really like to have permanent removal against them; other than their nova decks, they are relying extremely heavily on permanents.
GRAVITY: Time with light stall beat their discord/black hole in round 2. They've used a couple such decks, as well as a few catapult titans, nova decks, a weird death/gravity poison deck, and a stall with pulverizers. Their vault has taken a brutal beating, and is something like half the size of ours, so they might have some troubles already. The only decks in round 2 they had that won were their two novabow decks, so that's going to be a strong possibility for them to use.
FIRE: Fire's vault is also crippled, and they might have troubles making a good deck already. We had a novabow that beat their fire/death stall in round 2. The ONLY deck they had that won in round 2 was a cremation phoenix deck played by their general, and that was against gravity, the next weakest team :p Immo, nova, and firestall I think are the only possibilities left for them, unless they've got some surprises hidden away.
AETHER: We beat their bonebolt in round 1 with a nova deck, but they did well in round 2 and still have a good vault. They played a lot of bonebolts and nova decks, as well as a devtal. Our round 1 deck beats bonebolt and devtal, as it was built as a specific counter to those. If it can handle nova decks as well, I think it's good to go for round 3 as well, with possibly some minor tweaks if needed.
AIR: Air gave us one of only two losses last round, with a devourer/vampire/dragon deck against our ghostmare. They've still got a lot of good deck options left. I think a novabow with PC would beat the deck they used against us last round. They've also used a lot of air/fire decks, a fractal/firefly/hope deck, a boneshockwave deck, the obligatory novabow, a discord deck, and an air/time deck. I would be confident with a novabow against any of those except the hope deck, so if we can build one that has a chance against that, too, I think we're good.