Yeah, taken individually, I think we could make decks to beat or seriously contend with any of our opponents. The trick will be doing it for ALL of them at once, which is why this event is so brutal, and will probably singlehandedly determine the outcome of War, unless something even more insane comes along later. (please no... I am NOT impressed with this event

One option I wanted to put up for discussion (feel free to reject it) is the possibility of just focusing on the more important matchups and fielding crappy or even deliberately illegal decks (to avoid the penalty for illegal decks by accident) against the matchups that we feel we have the least chance of winning. For example, the idea would be to basically forfeit against one or two of the matchups where we think we're basically f---ed, and put all our best efforts into the other matches and (hopefully!) win those. If we planned it right, and won the games, we might be able to seriously cripple certain teams, or keep others from getting too far ahead, depending on how we wanted to play it. The only problem with that is I really hate the idea of a tactical forfeit; I like playing to WIN

With regards to ffun's ideas against air, I actually really like the idea of using the phoenixes there. We have a deck somewhere using phoenixes+deflags in a time/fire duo that looks pretty good. I wouldn't want to use more than maybe two of the deflags in that deck though, because we don't have very many to spare. A time/dark deck can make use of the steals (gotp/nightmare) but otherwise we're probably relying on deflags or else hoping we don't need PC.
A light stall would work against gravity if they use that catapult thing, I think. (maybe something similar to the one I listed above for vs entropy, but ffun has convinced me we shouldn't use vs entropy) The sancs should hopefully keep us from getting instakilled by catapults, and the threat of reverse time/eternity will keep them from leaving animated titans out; they will only want to play it and immediately catapult it. With our healing, they'll probably need to do that twice on one turn, maybe even 3 times, to kill us.
I'll have to check if cockatrice flies or not (some fantasy rpgs it does, some it doesn't, hard to keep track!) but if it doesn't, wings should be great against life.
For fire and entropy, thinking about it a little more, maybe we should just basically go with a mirror match, build some sort of novabow.
For earth... depends if they use that same deck or not. Gravity shield would own that deck, but if they play graboids, we'll look pretty dumb.
For water... not really sure what's best. RT is probably fairly good. Whenever I use water, it often seems to be short on quanta, but maybe that's just me being n00b at building water decks.
The other thing I was thinking, is that maybe we should save the novas/sundials and not use them in dune scorps. We might need the novas for entropy/fire, and the sundials would fit perfectly in time/light stall. A few more things to think about, I guess...