,31554.msg427085#msg427085(Team AETHER) SHALIYAH: Looking at her war application, she says she has no upgrades and few rares, though lots of electrum, so we can probably expect her to have the 3 upgrades ready. (soldier) She seems to have no previous sanctioned pvp experience, as on the forum I can't find any evidence of her ever being in a pvp tournament or event before; nearly all her posts are in off-topic sections.
As for the metagame vs this opponent, aether has several cards we have to be prepared for, particularly dimensional shield, phase dragon, and lightning. Reverse time and eternity will probably be fairly weak in this matchup, and deflagration/steal will be strong. If we have a viable poison deck, that could work. (I've been farming bronze lately with monodeath poison deck, and it rapes monoaether due to getting around the shields) Lightning means that creatures with >5 hp will be strong in this matchup.
I like the looks of something similar to valuka's deck here (the death/time poison one),31860.msg431828#msg431828A variant of one of my two decks here,,31860.msg432228#msg432228 either the 'tickled to death' one or the dune scorpion one, could work. Momentum will get around pesky dimshields, but both of those decks have very low damage output unfortunately.
Maybe this deck: (The Rock),31860.msg434345#msg434345 If they played permanent removal, though, it would face serious problems.
I don't know what decks they might use against us, but monoaether, or something similar splashing, say, deflags, seems like a possibility. Also, with sparks and lightnings or maybe silence, they could do an immorush fairly effectively. There's probably other decks they can do, too, but I'm pretty tired and I'm going to bed early. I'll try to think more tomorrow about this one and the other matchup.