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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg404091#msg404091
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2011, 04:33:43 pm »
Hey :time Team :time! I found a nice song, its name is "Anubi's Call (http://grooveshark.com/#/s/Anubi+s+Call/44LDuH?src=5)" and it sounds like a war song, with egiptian sounds and then goes to metal.
I think you should try to listen this, because it's epic!

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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg404187#msg404187
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2011, 07:44:01 pm »
Hey :time Team :time! Take a look!

I'd like to have feedback on it, like the slogan or other things.

I'm not sure if i can animate this, right now i'm waiting for a program that is taking much longer than i expected.
Even after i i get the program, i have some doubt on the resulting file size.

Anyway, this banner is here and we can work on it. In my spare time i will try to work on the animated version!

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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg404239#msg404239
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2011, 09:31:10 pm »
This... looks awesome. Very professional!
Maybe you could have the pole behind the actual banner?
About a slogan... how about

TIME - vanquishes those...
that don't vanquish  themselves

(a little philosophical, when you think about who would vanquish Time)
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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg404246#msg404246
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2011, 09:48:21 pm »
Awesome Image!


-Could we move the "pole" behind the "flag" so that the image is unobstructed?

-I had also thought of a similar slogan: "Brothers for Eternity"

just some thoughts... and again, Great work!

PS. Maybe a possible slogan could be: "Time conquers all. Game Over!"

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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg404402#msg404402
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2011, 01:38:42 am »
I was sceptical at first regarding the sword-and-banner theme but the result made me change my mind, good job!


I would also put the pole behind the banner.

I actually quite like the "Standing for Eternity" part, it could be combined with "Watching the others fall" or something like that.

Regarding the Song "Anubis' Call", I really think it fits perfectly up to the moment the singing starts, after that, it changes a lot and I don't think it's still fitting the theme. If the beginning could be edited or if something similar, but longer, could be found, it could be right in my opinion.

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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg404586#msg404586
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2011, 09:21:15 am »
@everyone: i will put the pole behind the flag, since everyone agree on this!  ;)

About slogan, i like the suggestion of inthisroom
Quote from: slogan
Standing for Eternity
Watching the others fall
About the song, yeah, i guess you're right. The start of "Anubis' Call" is awesome but then it gets a little boring.

Since the time is running out (ironic for team time!) i think we should put up a poll to decide the slogan.
We should do the same for the song.

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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg404868#msg404868
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2011, 09:05:16 pm »
@everyone: i will put the pole behind the flag, since everyone agree on this!  ;)

About slogan, i like the suggestion of inthisroom
Quote from: slogan
Standing for Eternity
Watching the others fall
About the song, yeah, i guess you're right. The start of "Anubis' Call" is awesome but then it gets a little boring.

Since the time is running out (ironic for team time!) i think we should put up a poll to decide the slogan.
We should do the same for the song.
I agree with the poll for song and slogan, it's a good way to make a decision.

Thank you for liking the slogan, Manuz, another option might be : "Standing for Eternity - While everything else must fall."

Again, good job on the banner, eager to see the new version  :)

Offline 10 menTopic starter

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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg404870#msg404870
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2011, 09:06:36 pm »
I was thinking about how to make our war speech more "unique", as those usually have a better chance on winning than generic speeches, even when they are well done.

It all had started in the small laboratory outside the village.
The young scientists were kneeling under their machine.
They drew more energy to the flux capacitor.
Further repetition would increase the effect.
Only a few more steps and their project would be finished.
Their fate lies in the hands of Time.
The armies of the other Elements were at their heels.
And mercy will not be shown.
It was an uncertain situation.
One of the apprentices stepped forward.
He stepped into the machine.
He pulled the big lever.
The soldiers are about to arrive.
An old memory came back to life.
The old Master of Time said to his apprentices:
The savior of Time stepped out of the portal.
A golden glowing orb came out of the machine and enshrouded the world.

So, the story as you can see is about a few guys in a war who build a time machine to summon their old master. And revert the flow of time. So of course now the story goes on by reading it BACKWARDS, and it gets a different meaning than the original text. I would probably post it in one or just a few paragraphs, I just started a new line for each sentence for better readability.
What do you think? If you have ideas for improvement (or buffs for my wording/spelling/grammar), please post.
"My big fear is that one day I may become so vain that I will quote myself in my own signature."  ---  10 men

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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg404892#msg404892
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2011, 09:51:52 pm »

Concerning the Banner. Can we "ghost" a sundial image in the sky behind the banner? Like a real sundial not the card graphic. I'm just looking for some way to really solidify Time in the image...

just a thought

Offline TheManuz

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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg404900#msg404900
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2011, 10:03:36 pm »

Concerning the Banner. Can we "ghost" a sundial image in the sky behind the banner? Like a real sundial not the card graphic. I'm just looking for some way to really solidify Time in the image...

just a thought
I can try, sure.

@10 men: your idea is awesome! Do you already know what the sense would be, reading it backwards? It's a difficult effect to achieve, but it's sooooooo AWESOME!

EDIT: it's midnight here now, so i'm going to sleep. Tomorrow i will wake up early to finish the banner and help how i can.
See you tomorrow!
OMG, 16 hours left!

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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg405200#msg405200
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2011, 06:22:52 am »
Time conquers all...
...and they were gone.
they fell upon us,
like the leaves upon the ground,
And at once,
Pain and suffering insued
Their Generals gave the order
Legions marched forward and
Swelling up from the depths of Hell
Like the spawn of Satan
neverending and without remorse
they came by the thousands
in a sea of hate
Our General cried "Forward to Victory!"
We valiantly followed as
the battle had just begun...
Time is on our side...
Time conquers all...

just up late rambling... nite all

forwards then backwards...

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Re: Propaganda https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31859.msg405252#msg405252
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2011, 09:23:17 am »
Ok, so I had a thought that crossed my mind, as usual before going to sleep, and I actually don't even know if it qualifies as a war speech.

Is it time yet?

What do you mean, Pharaoh?

Are they coming?

Are we expecting anyone?

I swear, Anubis, if I could die, it would have bored me to death already... why am I the only one to remember?

Remember what, sire?

This is just the problem... noone ever remembers, this is why it never stops.

I am confused.

War! It never stops because noone remembers.

We are not at war, sire.

Sometimes, I wish I was a mere Fate Egg... The War of the Elements, Scarab brain! The one war we are doomed to fight over and over again, ever returning like a cruel Ghost of the Past, because all who fight it ever forget that it has all happened already, get my Turtle Shield!

War of the Elements? Sire, are you feeling well? Things are as they have been for all Eternity, and every thing has its place, why would the Silurian Dragon desire the Dune Scorpion's den?

And yet, as sure as there is sand in this Hourglass, all are going to try and change the state of things once again, as if they could Reverse Time itself, unaware that all is decided... get my damn Turtle Shield!

Sire, has the neurotoxine gone to your head? All is well, Precognition is a Nymph's trade, don't let your visions fool you.

It's not the future I'm seeing, Scarab brain, it's the past, this is what noone understands and why I have to go through this all over again, now bring me this Turtle Shield or I will make sure you will stand in the front line... again.

As you wish, sire... here it is.

Is it time yet?

What do you mean, Pharaoh?

Are they coming?

Are we expecting anyone?

I can't believe it, my entire existence is a Déjà Vu... Just go and sit on a Sundial, Anubis...

I tried to get away from the "we will be there when all else crumbles to dust" theme and also used the names of all the  :time cards, I believe, tell me what you think of it.

