First off, if you wish to dispute a match the proper way is not to post on the forums and try to get public opinion on your side. All that does is create drama and act as a backdoor way to try and pressure an organizer into siding with popular opinion. I was extremely clear in the rules what the desync and dispute procedures are:
Desynchs will be replayed using the same decks and marks. If one player agrees that they would have lost that game, their opponent is awarded the win and the two players may move on to the next game, if needed. If there is any dispute over a result, simply replay the game and PM the Event Organizer with the match in question. The Organizer will then determine whether the original match should have been awarded or if the replay should count.
Since I never got a PM I am going to assume there is no dispute over this result. From reading the match report posted by
Dawidas888 if appears this wasn't the first desync of that third match either, although I don't see any screenshots posted on that one nor any mention from
Odii Odsen that a prior desync had occured to the one he decided to post. In any case, it's all a moot point since there is no dispute sent to me via PM, nor is there any mention of one in either players posts - just a screenshot and a quote that seems to tell one side of a complete story. No need for any rulings here.
Secondly, TPvP has had many issues in the past with players causing unnecessary drama. This is this definitely unnecessary drama. The rules were made in a way specifically to avoid these types of situations and I'm extremely disappointed to see they were ignored for whatever reason. I will not tolerate this type of behavior and have no qualms about removing players who try to derail the smooth running of TPvP #4 with it like so many of the past TPvP's have had happen. Read the rules. Follow the rules. If you have a problem contact me
in PM or private chat and I can look into it and try to resolve any dispute
quietly and without unnecessary drama. Nobody wants conflict, so let's avoid it instead of creating it ok?