This event is based on the classic movie Highlander (, where immortal warriors kill each other with swords, until there is only one left. Instead of swords, we use cards. If this idea has been suggested before, let me know. By the way, SpikeSiegel suggested players salvaging
all upped cards, my original version was lame because you salvaged only one, no matter who the opponent is.
There Can Only Be OneOriginal idea by:
Scaredgirl | Developed by:
Scaredgirl | Art by:
Scaredgirl | Organized by:
32 players challenge each other to duels. Winner gets stronger and loser is eliminated. In the end there can only be one.
1. SIGNING UPAnyone with a forum and chat account can join this event. Start by reading the rules very carefully, then sign up by posting on a separate sign up topic. If you cannot find a sign up topic, or if it is locked, this event is not currently active, and you will have to wait for it to restart.
Maximum amount of participants for this event is
32. As soon as we get 32 players, the event will start, after which you cannot join any more.
Name | Power | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 |
| Name | Power | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 |
| Name | Power | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 |
| Name | Power | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 | Player Name | 1 |
2. CHALLENGING OTHER PLAYERSThis event is all about
challenging other players in the Elements chat room. All you need to do is enter the chat room and say "Player X, there can only be one.". Player X now has to accept your challenge, or decline it.
The goal is to make the battles happen as soon as a challenge is issued. Declining a challenge should only be used as the last resort if the player simply cannot fight the battle at that specific time. Declining a battle just to avoid fighting someone, or because you don't feel like doing PvP, is not allowed.
If a player declines a challenge, players must reschedule the battle. The rescheduled battle has to start as soon as possible, and no later than 24 hours after the challenge was first issued. Neither of the players can fight anyone else, until this rescheduled battle happens.
Players are allowed to decline a battle 3 times. If you decline a battle 4 times, you will be disqualified from the event.
Players are allowed to challenge other players as many times as they like. As soon as you are done with one battle, you can start a new one.
Example: Player A enters the chat room and sees Player B (who is also a participant of this event). Player A wants to challenge Player B, so he says in public chat: "Player B, there can only be one". Player B can now either accept the challenge, or decline (if he has to go walk the dog). Player B accepts the challenge, and the two start a battle.
3. INACTIVITYPlayers are required to fight at least one battle during every 4 days (96 hours). Failure to do so, will result in disqualification. Please make sure that if you join this event, you also have time to participate in it.
4. DECKBUILDINGEach player starts the event with 1 upgraded card in their deck. As the event progresses, they will gain access to more upgraded cards. Players can switch decks between duels. There are no other limitations to deckbuilding.
All Shards are prohibited.
[NOTE: special rule in next section]
5. BATTLEThe amount of battles will be based on the total # of upgraded cards between the two players.
# | Battles |
2-9 | Best-of-3 |
10-29 | Best-of-5 |
30+ | Best-of-7 |
You may not win by decking out your opponent. If a player decks out, it does not count as a win for either player, and the duel continues. (If this happens, both players may change their decks)
6. AFTER BATTLEBoth winner and loser must provide their decklist in the battle result topic. A short matchup review / play-by-play is recommended but not necessary.
Losing player is eliminated from the event. Winner absorbs the power of the losing player by salvaging all his upgraded cards. Winner doesn't salvage specific cards, only the number of upgraded cards he can later use increases with the amount of upgraded cards his or her opponent had.
The more battles you win, the stronger you will get (more upgraded cards), but as soon as you lose, you are out.
Example: Players A and B fight a battle (both having 1 upgraded card). Player B is the winner. Player A is eliminated, and his 1 upgraded card (Amethyst Tower) is now the property of Player B. Next time when Player B fights a battle, he can use 2 upgraded cards. Those 2 cards can be any cards, neither of them has to be Amethyst Tower.
7. WINNERThere can only be one, so battles naturally go on until we have only one player standing. The epic final battle of this event must be announced by the players, at least 24 hours before it happens. This way people have a chance to observe it in chat. Announcing is done by either player posting the time of the final battle in the main topic of this event.
8. REWARDThe winner of the event will receive the following forum award icon: