The ColosseumOriginal idea by:
The Mormegil | Developed by:
The Mormegil and
kevkev60614 | Art by:
Google! | Organized by:
The Mormegil and
kevkev60614 Earn your fortune betting which gladiator will emerge a champion.
HOW TO SIGN UP?“Welcome to the Colosseum, kid!” The Colosseum director manages a smile though it’s clear he’s given this speech several hundred times before. “Anyone with a forum and a chat account can sign up to fight. Listen to everything I have to say about the rules here very carefully. Then write your name and time zone on the signup sheet in a separate topic. If you cannot find a signup topic, or if it is locked, we’re all full and you’ll have to wait for the event to restart.
The number of gladiators allowed in here is
32. If we’re full you can still signup as a reserve and you’ll get a chance to join if any of the 32 gladiators chicken out during round 1.”
BUILDING YOUR GLADIATOR“First thing you gotta know here, kid, is there’s all sorts of different gladiators you’ll fight against. Each of your opponents has a fighting style as well as strengths and weaknesses. Understanding your opponent and yourself is an important first step towards not dying.” The director pauses, his weathered eye sizing you up. “Actually, tell me a bit about yourself.”
In order to participate in this event, you need to build a Gladiator. You must choose an avatar, a style, strengths, and weaknesses and then PM the Event Organizer with your decisions. Do not share your Gladiator with your opponents!
Step 1: Paste this code into your PM to the Organizer:
Step 2: Go here ( and build an avatar. When you’re done click “Save Avatar”, copy the resulting code, and paste it over *picgoeshere*in your PM.
Step 3: Choose a style, one strength, and two weaknesses. Replace the *** in your PM with your selections and your
Forum Name. Please copy the entire description for strengths and weaknesses: it will be much easier to check them that way.
STYLESEvery fighter has a specialty. Choose one of the following styles. Style Cards may be used during deckbuilding throughout the event.
• Harbinger - Deflagration, Pandemonium, Rain of Fire, Chaos Seed
• Knife Specialist - Discord, Vampire Stiletto, Enchant Artifact, Dagger
• Warrior Eternal - Parallel Universe, Reverse Time, Miracle, Anubis
• Midnight Denizen - Steal, Skull Shield, Minor Vampire, Cloak
• Magus - Lightning, Fire Bolt, Drain Life, Ice Bolt
• Golden Templar - Shockwave, Crusader, Reflective Shield, Silence
• Berserker - Rage Potion, Momentum, Adrenaline, Pulverizer
• Winged Fighter - Wings, Spark, Wyrm, Sky Blitz
• Iron Bodyguard - Earthquake, Stone Skin, Blessing, Solar Shield
• Planar Being - Dimensional Shield, Immortal, Ghost of the Past, Morning Star
• Beast Tamer - Fractal, Firefly Queen, Empathic Bond, Mitosis
• Energy Adept - Nova, Black Hole, Antimatter, Photon
• Healer - Sanctuary, Purify, Heal, Holy Light
• Assassin - Dune Scorpion, Poison, Basilisk Blood, Aflatoxin
• Wind Adept - Fog Shield, Flying Weapon, Butterfly Effect, Dragonfly
STRENGTHSTo begin the event choose one Strength for your Gladiator. With each win during the event you may choose one additional Strength, although no Strength may be chosen twice:
+ Resourceful: You gain the last card from a chosen Style as an additional Style Card.
+ Flawless: Choose one of your Weaknesses. You may ignore it for the remainder of the Event.
+ Mighty: You may use up to three extra upgraded cards in your decks.
+ Attuned: When you use only cards from one element in your deck, you may use 5 more upgraded cards.
+ Tough: You are defeated when you lose one additional duel.
+ Adaptable: You may ignore one of each Arena's Environmental Effects.
+ Specialized: You may select one of your Style Cards and use that card upped in every deck.
+ Copycat: Choose one style card from your last round's opponent. All decks used this round must use at least one copy of that card. This may only be taken as a starting Strength.
+ Arena Veteran: You may choose one Arena (excluding the Final Arena). As long as you fight in that Arena, you may use six more upgraded cards in your deck (only from the Arena Elements).
+ Chemist: Any alchemy cards you use may be upgraded.
+ Patient: From the fifth match in a single round onwards you may use 10 additional upgraded cards (refreshes against new opponents).
+ First Blood: In the first two matches you may use 5 additional upgraded cards (refreshes against new opponents).
+ Revenge: After a defeat, you may use 4 extra upgraded cards.
+ Intimidating: Your opponent must use six less upgraded cards.
+ Talent Thief: At the start of the round you steal one Style Card from your opponent. Both you and your opponent can use that card as a Style Card.
+ Merciless: Elemental Mastery wins count double, unless you deck your opponent.
+ Self-Confident: If eight or less gladiators remain in the brackets, replace Self-Confident with two strengths. May only be taken as starting strength.
+ Brave: If your opponent uses more upgrades than you, you win after one less victory.
+ Brutish: You may use an additional six upgraded cards in every deck. Choose one extra Weakness.
+ A Dog's Luck: If your opponent win's the coin toss he does nothing the first turn.
WEAKNESSESTo begin the event choose two of the following Weaknesses for your Gladiator:
- Stupid: Every other opponent bested doesn't earn you a strength.
- Stubborn: You can only switch between two different decks each round.
- Skinny: All decks must be exactly 30 cards. You also must use two less upgrades than normal.
- Vain: All decks must include 3 relics (yes, this stacks with the Jungle Temple environmental disadvantage).
- Focused: You must have at least 10 copies of any combination of your Style Cards in every deck.
- Sloppy: You must not use more than four copies of any card in any deck.
- Unfocused: You must only use up to three style cards in each deck.
- Pious: You may use up to six copies of Guardian Angel in any deck but must never use Darkness cards.
- Unimaginative: You must always use the same mark as you chose for your first battle.
- Berserk: You may use up to six copies of Rage Potion but must not use shields or any card that causes your HP to increase (except where required by arena rules).
- Lazy: Strengths gained from victories are postponed until only two gladiators remain.
- Slow: your deck must have at least 40 cards in it.
- Mindless: You must not change deck until you lose your first duel (refreshes against new opponents).
- Coward: If your opponent can use more upgraded cards than you, lose all your Strengths except your starting one (refreshes against new opponents).
- Weak: You must use 6 less upgraded cards in every deck.
- Crybaby: You may use 6 copies of Nymph's Tears in every deck, but must not use Fire cards.
( | Name: | kevkev60614 | Style: | Knife Specialist | Strengths: | A Dog's Luck: If your opponent win's the coin toss he does nothing the first turn. | Weaknesses: | Coward: If your opponent can use more upgraded cards than you, lose all your Strengths except your starting one. Weak: You must use 6 less upgraded cards in every deck.
ARENAS AND BATTLESThe Colosseum Director continues the tour, but it looks as if his mind is elsewhere. “Battles will occur in one of six randomly determined arenas with the final battle to occur in a special, hidden arena. Players must build decks using style cards and/or any cards from the two arena elements. Each arena also has certain other constraints.”
--Jungle Temple--

Overview: a jungle temple, filled with poison traps and animated statues. At the center of the temple, an evil Idol emanates a terrible curse.Environmental Advantage: you may use Forest Scorpion, Deathstalker, Dune Scorpion and Hematite Golem, both unupped and upped.Environmental Disadvantage: every deck must have one Relic for each 10 cards it contains, unless it has at least 50% cards from either Darkness or Light (i.e. 4 cards in a 31-40 card deck must be Relics).
--Arctic Arena--

Overview: frozen stairs and ice over collapsing buildings. Portals connect the different places and extradimensionals beings have established themselves here.Environmental Advantage: Every deck with at least three Floodings may use up to six copies of one card from another element, even if it is not a Style card.Environmental Disadvantage: You must not use more than 4 shields and / or weapons TOTAL in any of your decks (i.e. 1 weapon and 3 shields is okay, 4 weapons and 4 shields is not).
--Fire Stronghold--
Overview: a stronghold built inside a volcano, home to demons, devils and dragons; gladiators will need to overcome terrible shadow menaces and incantations while the dragons may prove a valuable ally.Environmental Advantage: Dragons may be used upped.Environmental Disadvantage: You may not use any quanta source from non-Arena Elements. That includes all off-element pillars and pendulums, off-element mark cards, nova, ray of light (photon is still allowed), light nymph, gnome gemfinder, dragonfly, solar shield, soul catcher, rustler, luciferin, firefly queen and firefly. You may still use any Mark you choose.
--Chronos' Palace--

Overview: the Palace of the God of Time Chronos, who punishes those who don't pay the due respect.Environmental Advantage: Ghost of the Past, Archangel and Electrum Hourglass may be used upped.Environmental Disadvantage: If you don't have at least one third of your deck composed by Light cards, you may not use any upgraded card except for those granted by the Environmental Advantage.
--Lunar Mausoleum--
Overview: The Mausoleum is illuminated only occasionally by the lunar light; spirits of dead people rest here and grant their counsel to those who can listen. Gravity is enhanced here, and faster creatures are slowed considerably.Environmental Advantage: If your deck contains at least 6 Soul Catchers, you may use up to six copies of a single upped spell of your choice in your decks, even if it is normally not allowed.Environmental Disadvantage: You may not use any creature whose cost is 3 or less.
--Floating Heart--

Overview: A core of highly energetic plasma is confined on a floating island. It is said that the core is the heart of a dying god.Environmental Advantage: If your deck contains 6 Novas or Supernovas, you may use 4 cards from any element, even if they are not Style cards. The cards must be different from each other, and from different elements.Environmental Disadvantage: You may not use more than four copies of the same Style Card in any of your decks, except for Entropy and Air Style Cards.
--Final Arena--

Arena Elements: choose one element from your starting arena. Both you and your opponent can use that element as an Arena Element.Overview: a simple arena in the middle of the world's largest city. People from every country come here to see the final match of the gladiatorial season. Hundreds of thousands eyes are looking at you.Environmental Advantage: you gain access to elitary equipment. You may use 15 extra upgraded cards in your decks.Environmental Disadvantage: the public wants to see an awesome fight. If you have 4 or more different cards in your deck that you used in any other single deck previously this round, you must use 10 less upgrades.
DUELSDeckbuilding has the following rules (unless the Arena rules restrict this further):
1) You may use any mark as well as any pillars, pendulums, and mark cards.
2) You may only use Style Cards or cards from elements in the Arena List.
3) You may not, generally, use upgraded cards.
4) You may not use shards.
5) Other restrictions may apply due to strengths, weaknesses, or those specific to an arena.
Matches are best-of-five, meaning that the first player to net 3 wins (barring specific Strengths or Weaknesses) is the winner. It's a good idea to either record the matches, or take screenshots as proof, in case something weird, like a desync error, happens. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating, will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair. See the PvP Parasite Warning System topic (,25593.0.html) for further details on infractions.
Each round the Organizer will create a thread for each match so that the crowd may better cheer on its champions. Duel results must be posted in the same thread, along with decks.
COLOSSEUM BETTING“Don’t lose sight of what you are.” The Colosseum Director gestures grandly to the crowd trickling in, just starting to fill the massive stadium. “These people are the reason the Colosseum exists, not you. They come from all around the forum to bet on which of you scrubs will die first. There’s a betting form, see, and whoever makes the most correct picks walks away with a small fortune. In fact it’s recommended Gladiators gamble as well. You have to bet on yourself to emerge a champion, but what good would the electrum be to you if you’re dead anyway? Ha!
Anyway here’s ( what the form looks like. A week is given after I know all the gladiator details but before the battles start to hand yours in.”
WINNING AND REWARDS“To the victor goes the glory, kid. And a forum award icon:

The spectator or gladiator with the most correct picks in the bracket will earn a reward code for 10,000

Best of luck out there, kid. You’re gonna need it…”
FAQQ. The Jungle Temple Disadvantage and the Vain Weakness state I must use Relics... but I sold them all!A. If you use a useless, unplayable card instead of a Relic - like an unupgraded Shard at least untill the new patch kicks in, or a really expensive off-element Dragon, you are good to go. Post your deck code including the useless card you used, and the Organizers will understand. Please don't use cheap cards, as things like Discord still exist, and above all don't play those cards in ANY case. A single screenshot from your opponent where you play these supposedly "useless" cards will result in a forfeit loss. Also, if you take Vain and are in the Jungle Temple, you need to take 6 (or even more) relics, meaning in some cases you will need to have a different card in your deck.Q. What about Other cards?A. It's sort of implicit in the rules, but the only Other card you can use - except your Style ones - is Quantum Pillar. Any pillar can be used, but you may use only cards from the Arena Elements and from your Style Cards.Q. Alchemist states I can use any Alchemy card upgraded. What does it mean?A. It means that you can play any Alchemy card as upgraded, of course. You may not use Alchemy cards if you aren't normally able to use them, but if you can use them you are allowed to upgrade them. The list of Alchemy cards is as follows: Quintessence, Unstable Gas, Liquid Shadow, Aflatoxin, Basilisk Blood, Antimatter, Rage Potion, Black Hole, Adrenaline, Luciferin, Precognition, Nymph's Tears.Q. There are a bunch of contradictory weaknesses out there. What to do with them?A. Don't take them. For instance, if you take both Skinny and Slow, you'll be forced to play decks with at least 40 cards while having to play only 30 cards decks. Therefore, every single one of your decks will be illegal. Beware of such combinations.Q. When do Coward and Brave kick in?A. When the opponent may use more upgrades than you. This counts total upgrades that may be used on the first match. Potential upgrades for certain cards - such as those for all Elemental Advantages or the ones granted by Alchemy - are not counted. Upgrades from First Blood are counted, but upgrades from Revenge and Patient are not (they may not be used in the first round). If an opponent has more upgrades on the first game but loses them (as with First Blood), Coward still applies throughout the whole match.Q. How is the winning bettor determined?A. As it says above, whoever has the most correct picks wins. Ties will be broken by correct finalist, then number of correct semifinalists, then number of correct quarterfinalists, etc.