Do not take the following as a personal attack but rather that I think your venting and argument here is misplaced. Arguing against rulings that are made per rules set out for all players is a losing cause. That is the gist of what I'm trying to say above. Also, note that proper grammar, punctuation, and formatting (paragraphs perhaps) insofar as you are capable helps the comprehension and consideration of your points. As it is, I am not sure why you are disputing that an illegal deck is being PvPO-ruled as a loss against any legal deck (as determined in hindsight with deck code posting).
my logic is in fact that how can you lose to a deck that you techically can't lose too had I used no dims I would still not have lost the match without damage
You can lose to any legal deck by fielding a deck that is against the rules.
yes my contents matter but by rules my deck doesn't matter as I can't be decked out no damage source means no possible win for annele
Well, 'by rules' fielding an illegal deck is a loss against a legal deck. Deckout against fire is simply a replay if both decks used were legal.
I know this sounds sour but I won the games within the rules and within the rules I can't lose on deckout so yes I'm going to argue my case
Except you did not win the game within the rules, you won with an illegal deck.
give me a paraste it's not like I'm ever going to win any events as I'm not cutthroat I just want some wins in pvp instead of losing all the time let me have my moment of glory please as I am rapidly losing interest in the game because of the way competitive pvp is played.
I don't think an illegal deck gives anybody increased parasite count. Also, 'letting' a player have moments of glory should be self-defeating as the purpose one would 'want the glory' is to show their skill at PvP or related aspects of the contest. Here, you have taken issue with rulings being done by the rules so I take your statement about losing interest as related to this. I don't think there is anything that could be done to help if you are simply not liking losing by the rules. :/
However, if you are taking issue with losing more than you'd like perhaps try differing styles of play or more careful attention to the rules / deck limits...?