The best one I can find in my plat thread list is rating 596 and rank 2, with 75-2 record, so it might have been a touch over 600 at one point, but definitely nowhere near 1k :p I do remember seeing one over 1100 in bronze recently.
Not sure what's all in will's deck. I went against it once, when it was about rank 4, but I had a one tower draw and it squashed me hard and quick. It looked like a fairly typical monodeath rush to me, spiders and mummies and that sort of thing. It's a good deck, but unless he has some sort of secret weapon I never saw, like SoSa, I'm not sure how it's managed to get over 1k rating.
It does give me high hopes for my current arena deck, using bone pillar. (Will has death pendulum) I'm 21-1 so far and I'm gunning for YOUR spot, will!