The Arena : FAQ For the mechanics of the Arena, see this article.
Q: So, how does this whole Arena deck thing work?A: Arena allows you to make a 'defense' deck that other players can go against. The 'defense' deck has a number of determining factors :
- Whatever card you spin from the Oracle will automatically have 5 Copies placed in your 'defense' deck.
- You can spend stat points to improve your 'defense' deck's capability. The four stats are Stamina (+HP), Wisdom (+Upgraded Cards), Intellect (+Mark), and Dexterity (2x Draw and 2x Deck Size). You gain more stat points as you level up your score with your normal deck.
The regular deck you actually use against other Arena decks is your 'offense' deck - it isn't linked to your defense deck in any manner whatsoever and thus isn't affected by stats or the Oracle card.
Q: Hey, I've made an Arena deck and used the stat things, but I don't have increased HP or double marks! What's going on?A: Stat increases to your arena deck only affect the deck people play against in arena. Think of the arena deck as a 'defense' deck that you can invest stat points into, while the deck you use (your 'offense' deck) remains separate from those buffs.
Q: What's so special about Dexterity/double draw? (Alternatively, how'd my opponent get more than 6 copies of a card in his deck?)A: Double draw is one of the more valued abilities in the arena because it not only allows your Arena 'defense' deck to draw 2 cards at a time, it also doubles the size of your deck, similar to a False God. This allows Arena decks to have 12 copies of a card, which is pretty powerful given a card like Nova or Pest.
Q: Where can I get upgraded cards from the Rare Spin?Gold and Platinum automatically upgrade the cards they use in their Rare spin due to increased difficulty. Play at your own risk.
Q:Why is there a section for decks of each League?A: League Deck Sections are for your Arena 'defense' decks that you find post-worthy. If you're just making a normal 'offense' deck like an Arena Grinder, that belongs in the
Deck Ideas Section instead.
Q: Where can I find Arena 'Offense' decks, in that case?A: The Community has two threads for Offense decks,
1 for Bronze and Silver and
1 for Gold and Platinum.
Q: Okay, so I'm about to level up to Platinum, but I'm worried about losing the money gain from Gold? Is it worth leveling up?A: Yes. Platinum will still give more income than Gold even if you're on the bottom, and you'll eventually level out of the bottom position and head towards the top.
Q: (In general) - I'm at the top of [league] and about to move up to the bottom of [next league]. Will I get less money in [next league]?A : Nope. You'll generally earn as much as (if not more than)

if you move up a league, so don't be afraid to move up - your income will always increase in the long run. This applies to pretty much every league 'transition', not just Gold and Platinum.
Q: How does thumbs up/thumbs down work? Is there any advantage to rating one way or the other? A: Thumbing a deck down reduces the rating it gains from your match, while thumbing it up increases the rating it gains from your match. Ideally, you should vote down decks that are unoriginal and badly made and vote up decks that are clever and fun to play against.
Voting a deck also refunds you 5

, so it's in your best interest to do it whenever you lose an Arena match.
Q: My Arena deck only lost once, and dropped more than 100 points in the rankings?!?!? Yet, when I win, it only goes up a bit - what gives? A: Loses will always have a stronger impact on rating than wins do because it allows the game to 'cycle' out your deck from the previous day and replace it with more recent ones.
(Also keep in mind that when you Arena deck loses, it doesn't give you money and just subtracts rank, while your Arena deck winning gives you rank + money.)
Q: Can I see how many thumbs up my deck got?A: If your deck hasn't been in the Top 10, then yes. A thumbs up doubles your electrum and rating rewards. Normal rewards are 4/6/9/12.
Divide your gained electrum amount by the normal reward for your league, and subtract the number of wins. What you get is the number of "thumbs up".
Q: What happened ? I faced a deck with 1 HP.A: Then you were lucky. The older a deck, the less HPs it has. 1 HP always remains. These 1-HP decks will either leave the top 500 quickly, or the player will put up a new deck soon. However, even a 1HP deck can win if you're not fast.
Q: I have won several thousand electrums in one game. How?A: Decks in the top 10 of their league reward players with more money. On the flipside, though, if your Arena deck is one of the Top 10 it also has an increased income rate. Top 10 = x2 reward. Rank 3 = x3 reward. Rank 2 = x4 reward. Rank 1 = x5 reward. If players like your deck and give it a thumbs up, your reward -and- rating gain for that match will double.
Q: What time of day do the arena decks get older? A: 07:00 GMT. This is also the time of day that the Oracle resets.
If you have any other questions, feel free to post here.