Usually I never post random topics like this on the forums unless the issue vexes me to no avail, but I'm running out of options.

As of late (specifically, a week or so ago), my internet connection started to get fussy and soon enough, my wireless connection just decided to 'die'. The problem being that there's an
IP Address Conflict, meaning that there's another 'device' somewhere that apparently has the same IP address as my computer, which prevents my computer from getting the connection (even though the 'signal' is excellent to the router).
The thing is, all the other computers in my house (all my family members have their own computer ^^; ), still can obtain wireless. Resetting the router probably wouldn't do or change anything, especially if all of the other computers are unaffected. Likewise, I can connect to the computer just fine via a cable (as frustrating as it is...), but I'd much rather prefer being in my room than having to go downstairs, connect to the router directly via wires in the cold, and trying to do work when other people need to use the desktop (not to mention, I'd like my privacy when playing elements

A few things that I tried are...:
-Diagnose and Repair -> resetting my computer's wireless connection/checking to make sure the adapter is on/acquiring a new IP address
-IP Config renewal*
-Resetting my computer
-Restoring my computer to an earlier point (system restore)
-Updated anti-virus and system requirements
-Moved the router/my computer to different locations to test connectivity
* = I have no idea what it means when I require 'elevation' in order to do the code in the command shell. Will it affect my router/other computers when I do an IP flushdns/release/renewal?
I have connected to another wireless network called 'linksys', but that didn't last very long nor was it very effective in terms of internet speed. *sigh*
I know this seems weird, but do you guys think that this could be a Rogue DHCP ( issue that has afflicted my computer only? Or should I (to the agitation of my siblings) reset the router and pray that they're not downloading anything imporant to see if that will affect my wireless connection?
I know this section is about talking about technology, rather than solving issues accompanied with it, but I don't think this belongs in troubleshooting, as that's elements based. <=)
SIDENOTE: I have a Windows Vista. This computer -is- getting fairly old, and I did have a similar issue like this before back then.