I mean think, what decks would you use these cards in!? I've only ever seen one five element deck in existence, most stop at two, but you're making a quanta source that gives seven quanta!
You know... It is not "There are no special quantagenerators because there is no deck for them" It is rather "There are not decks because
there are not effective quantagenerators for them"
If those cards get into play new decks will be produced!
They are not really overpowered because a destroy or steal could make you easely crumble.
I like spectal prism. As you asked for an overpowered deck with it Kael: Light mono with added freeze, deflag, momentum, lightning bolt. Yet you would have to rely on that card.
I like the rushes and flashes, I thought about something like it long before seeing your cards. I mean they are even good in mono decks!! And rainbow is way overpowered. If you use nova you have 12 quanta
that you can all use! and it is free! Fire rush would allow me to rage potion a guardian angel, without weakening my light. I tried the ragepotion-heal deck.
But it doesn't work and doesn't exist because of the lack of that genius card!
Brazier would help aswell... I do NOT have to use the aether!
I love essence cycle... I could use it to reinforce my (already existing and winning) rainbow mutation factory:
Time used for dejavus and essencecycle
Entropy for fallen druids and elfs
Life for using "mutate"
Death for boneyard (more "bullets")
Aether for the quintessence I already use.
I would also add Silt: water for my trident, earth for using it!
You see: The decks exist!
Wheather control is genius. Here you don't have to ignore certain produced quanta... you just don't produce them.
When we come to cavern we also come to 12*11 = 132 combinations of duo-pillars. I agree. It gets
veeeery complicated and some decks would be encouraged, others not. I have a solution tho.
Imagine a super coffe machine. You can chose many things. 5 sizes. no sugar, little sugar, much sugar. no, little, much milk. whipped cream on top or not. 3 degrees of temperature, plastic cup or a ceramic one. You could continiue.
Without continuing you have already 5*3*3*2*3*2 = 540 combinations.
Yet the coffe machine does not have 540 buttons! 5+3+3+2+3+2 = 18 Buttons are enough
Why not make a "construct your own pillar" section, just like the bazar?
First you choose whether permanent/pillar or spell or creature (talking of progency of light here).
Then you chose which type of quanta (or "other"/random quanta) it will cost.
Then you tick what you want to be produced (and how much).
Now you tick (multiple things) how the quantaproductionis triggered ("each turn
may produce"/if enemy uses quanta/on creature death/one sort at random but always same amount/2 out of X/completely at random) AND what quanta is triggered by what (e.g. water'n'fire only by flood)
Now you chose what the addition is (draw a card/generate a pillar of your mark/create an emberspark if.../cycle thru quanta/affect quanta)
Now what ability it has (wheatherchange/lifeblossom should be player-triggered as well/

: sacrifice pillar and lobotimize once)
Then at the end the electrum cost for that card is calculated and the casting price too. More "if"'s will lower the price, just like more randomity. More functions, more quantageneration, will raise the price (cast and buy)
If you tick one element and "generate X quantum per turn" and tick X=1 then the casting price will be 0 and the cost 6, If you tick one elment and "generate X quantum " and tick X=2 then the casting price will be... say... 3 (and if you chose random quanta as casting cost it will be 4).
Some things will have to be excluded: If you tick one element maximum X is 2. If you tick all elements, random, and nothing else X will be 3 minimum (quantum pillar, you know)
Also some abilites would exclude certain things. Interspatial Contemplation would exclude "produce XYZ per turn" but when rising (and changing) the price to... say 7 darkness, it still could additionally genrate 3 earth
when played.
A different way would be to make interspatial contemplation that generates 2 time quants per turn cost 150 electrum coins and 15 time quanta (the quanta point being more important).
But just imagine someone has 21 aetherquanta and plays phaseshield and that card in aether!!!
And for 10 life you can have a lifeblossom that makes 2 waterquanta per turn and randomly Flower blooms of which YOU have chosen the color. (If you have chosen only one color it costs 15 life to cast!)
It would be much easier (no, thats not meant ironic) but someone would need to find a way to stop overpowered cards.
And to make it not too overpowered when talking about amount: 6 cards maximum (or maybe 10), no matter how different they are. (that means: 3 wheather control and 3 pulsar or 5 wheather control and 1 pulsar.) This is because 6 cavern costing 2 darkness, and 6 cavern costing 2 earth and 6 cavern cosing 4 "other" and... and... and... would be very bad.
Well... sorry for the compexity and the resulting headache, you're a hero if you read until here.