My deck:
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 591 591 591 591 591 591 593 593 593 593 593 595 595 595 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5uo 5uo 5ur
Round 1: Brett started off with an early immo combo to put out a phoenix, and when I BB'd one, he used a rage pot on it, making it a less desirable choice. The game was still reasonably close though due to dusk shield. He packed a fair bit of cc, with BB, rage pot, freeze and probably more. My only defense was to hope my devourers ate his quanta from immos before he pulled them. No such luck. Picture of the turn before I lost.

Round 2: we both started off slowly, I had a hand with 4 shriekers 2 devourers and I think one stone pillar or something like that to start. It took him a while to get his immo going too. Anyway, I got enough stone pillars to get rolling and chipped away to victory.
Round 3: much like round 1, Brett started off with a quick immo and dumped phoenixes out. I meanwhile, drew 2 of my EQs (completey useless) in my opening hand and the rest wasn't too helpful for a few rounds either. He raged up a BB'd photon, and immo'd the phoenix I used BB on. Once again his cc made it past my devourers. It became a battle of the haxx shield, his fog vs my dusk. He had a big lead to start though, having half killed me before I really started into him. Eventually we got to the scene in the picture right before he killed me.

Nice clean games Brettbstock. Well played.