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5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rm 5ro 5ro 5ru 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 61t 61t 61t 61t 622 622 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7ri 7ri 8pu
Sorry to my team for not announcing the game beforehand to let them watch, but we kinda met up spur of the moment. Spielkind was off work sick, and I was screwing around in chat at 5am my time, so we decided to play it then and there since Spielkind is unavailable this weekend due to real life stuff, and our time zones are pretty far apart.
Game 1: Nice draw, lots of pillars, hourglass, shield, gotp. On about turn 2 or 3 we desync. Spielkind suggests we just play it out against the AI and screenshot, so that's what we do. Not surprisingly, we both won against the AI, but Spielkind forgot to take a screenshot, so he just gives me the game. I don't argue :p Given that we went 3-0, it probably didn't matter; other than the steals, it was not a good matchup for him.
Game 2: Hand is decent again, but no shields has me a bit worried. Spielkind plays nothing but pillars for the first several turns, and I have no idea what he's holding. I'm thinking cloak maybe, or steals. Eventually he plays 3 crusaders all at once; I'm not sure why he did that, but perhaps he feared reverse time? Or he was waiting for a dagger? I get eternity and a shield out, and fractal the ghosts. Spielkind steals my shield, and my heart stops. I draw a couple cards with hourglasses and the last one is a shield. Whew! I manage to last until the cloak falls, and then eternity keeps him from topdecking anything to save himself with.
Game 3: At this point I have seen zero CC, so this game I play the Ghost as soon as I can spare the quanta. That turns out to be a little later than I'd like, but I've got several shields, and Spielkind never gets a steal all game, which is the card he needs most in this matchup. Once the cloak falls without him stealing my shield, I know I've got him. I just eternity the crusaders he's got out and he can't topdeck a steal. He told me after he had all his daggers in hand, and game 2 it took him about 5-6 turns to get one. This was the only game I got my dragon, but I never played it :p