Good games indeed, Bogtro. Wish they weren't spoiled by drama at the end.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52h 52h 52o 52q 52q 52r 52r 52r 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 542 542 542 713 713 713 713 713 8pk
my deck.
Game1: He played an early vamp, followed by dusk then CCed most of my creatures.
He fractalled a dragon and won. 0-1
G2: Early vamp, but I managed to play a BW which blocked it. This was a pretty long game, but in the end I won. 1-1
G3: He stole a BW then CCed my creatures. I couldn't break through. Towards the end he played a dusk. It took him very long to draw a dragon though so I chipped away his life. In the end, I had enough damage on the board for the kill but duck did its job and he won with 2 HP left. 1-2
G4: I had a pretty good rush here nad no dusk on his side. 2-2
final : I had the most epic hand and draws: 4 pillars and 3 small critters in hand, then a small critter every turn for 5 turns then a dragon. towards the end we desynched.
You can read the rest of the story here.,39834.0.html 3-2
again, sorry for the outcome, and thank for the patience of everybody involved (almost).