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4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 5lg 5lg 61o 61o 61o 61o 61r 61r 61r 61r 61r 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 7dm 7dm 808 808 808 81q 81q 81q 8pm
Final 2 relics used
Game 1 - WIN
Hain won toss. I have no pills and no grabbies in opening hand... Hain gets turn 3 OE, which I deflag. He plays 2nd OE next turn. I get grabby out. Then he plays a nymph, I PU it. I topdeck mirror as he plays first UG. I use nymph UG, which getes deflagged. I eventually get another grabby and PU out, while he gets another nymph. He used TS + OE on a shrieker. Damage race was tight. All he needed was a TS, nymph, or SW ftw, but I think he drew quanta. Won with 4 HP left.
Game 2 - LOSS
Hain won toss. Good hand for me. He gets a turn 2 nymph... I have no mirror. I try to keep up with the rush. He plays fog, which I deflag. OE comes out at some point, which trolls my rush. I draw mirror just before he wins, stalling him 1 turn. I was still at least 2 turns from the win, so didnt matter. 6ttw for hain.
Game 3 - WIN
Hain wins toss, but has quanta fail. I get decent quanta, but no grabby til turn 3. Turn 4 nymph for hain, but he does not have enough quanta for TSx2 (unless he topdecks upped quanta). I decide to pop grabby and PU. He plays UG, and I topdeck mirror again as he plays UG. I buried shriekers next turn. He got another nymph out, and a late OE, but I was ahead in the race and waited to pop grabbies and PU for fatal blow.
Game 4 - WIN
I finally win a toss. Good quanta, no grabby, but I have mirror. Hain gets turn 2 nymph, which i immediately PU. I play mirror and another PU next turn. Hain keeps drawing quanta. I get a grabby, but keep it buried. I draw nothing but quanta and another mirror the rest of the way. Hain gets a late OE, but it's too late. Relatively easy win
This matchup could have easily gone the other way. Only chance I had at winning was if I drew mirror early. I calc'd that I had 61% chance of drawing mirror by the time he could play a UG. Needless to say, RNG was on my side.
With this win, I officially retire as

General. Would like to thank all my teammates these last few wars, I had a great time with all of you and couldnt have accomplished any of this without you. And as much as I hate hain for betraying me, I would like to thank him personally for his support the last 2 wars and pushing me to my limits this war. Lastly, have to thank my wife for letting me spend an absurd amount of time on this game. So good luck to everyone in future wars, I look forward to following as a spectator.
*drops microphone and walks away*