GGs Eva, draws weren't always on your side, but you were a good sport.
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52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52h 52h 52h 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 5uo 5up 5up 5up 5v1 5v1 7ta 7tb 8pt
I was really glad to be able to play with Darkness Domin, it is quite possibly my favorite deck and it is so much fun to play with.
Game 1
I had a great draw with enough pillars/pends, the lone eclipse, and a few dragons. I got the eclipse and one dragon out as Eva kept drawing pillars/pends. I got the second dragon out and kept chipping away at his health. On the last turn, I topdecked my dagger, put my mummy out, and nightmare'd a dragon all to give me enough damage to win. Eva still hadn't played a non-pillar/pend, so I was still guessing about his deck.
Game 2
I had a decent draw again, with a mummy, 2 dragons, the eclipse, and enough quanta. I got a steady amount of damage going and I finally saw his deck: EA Dims. That made my steals useless and left me to pray to the RNG. It eventually paid off. Eva ran out of dims and played a Stone Skin, which I was able to out-damage and win.
Game 3
A decent start, but not as good. A bunch of mummies and quanta, but no eclipse or dragons. I got the mummies out and kept the damage on with my dagger until I got him down to 10 hp, which was when he started chaining dims. I picked up a Nightmare and got him down to 6 hp, and he kept chaining. I picked up a second nightmare, and patiently waited (which, if you know me, is nearly impossible for me to do) until he had 3 empty slots in his hand. When he did, I nightmare'd for the win.
GGs Eva, they were fun. You were a very good opponent and I enjoyed playing against you. Good luck to you throughout the rest of war.