
At what point in time should the story open? (Elaboration in posts is welcome.)

A while before the test so that everyone meets?
Shortly before the test so that we don't interact until we reach the other side?
Just after we cross to the other world, before we lose contact with the facility?
A certain time later after we cross and after everything goes wrong?
Sometime else?


Once we have the chance to go our separate ways, should we break up 'teams' into different RP threads in order to keep the story organized?

Yes, that's a good idea.
We could, but I have a better idea (please elaborate).
No, we really shouldn't because (please elaborate).
No, who cares about being organized?
Something else!
Note your location in a spoiler at the beginning of every post (Arum).


Offline Silver EmeraldTopic starter

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Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222131#msg1222131
« on: February 03, 2016, 06:28:58 am »
Following up on the positive response in this topic, I'll be starting this RP before too long. In brief, it is about a group of gamers who were testing a comprehensive virtual reality protocol but were stranded in an actual Elements world, in forms capable of commanding the energies and creatures of the world. Their future efforts will either be about accepting this reality as their own or attempting to return home.

In order to know who's joining in and to get a rough idea of who they are, I ask for participants to answer the following in-character, letting replies reflect temperaments.

Spoiler for "Departure Science Volunteer Registration Form":
Project #9066 - Epidimensional Location Excitement Motivating Extradimensional Novel Transit Status

Other Aliases:
Preferred Species/Race:
Preferred Appearance:
Primary Elemental Affinity:
Secondary Elemental Affinity (if applicable):
Notable Hobbies:
Concerns About Test (if any):
Test Expectation Rating out of 5 Cakes:

At this time, accessing the sub-regional dimension and, in its use, applying uniform distribution of friction is a developmental imperative in an emerging guided fantasy. The same being licensed herewith (except those consultants and in the survivor of such date the Committee under Warrant Agent and all respects be required by it may the same and shall have all of the rights except those belonging to a Stockholder which the latter have acquired in new Directives issued upon the surrender of Certificates or the return of a product duly described by an on-duty Theft Investigation Agent appointed by Licensee, or in Licensee's absence, a family member, if available, who has been both charged with and acquitted of larceny, or otherwise the Committee, with respect to the extent lawful) all stamp taxes and acknowledgement of the Procedure being duly issued as well as second-party recognition that the Participant has made this Agreement or superseding order in writing and in person, according to customary law, the User may request a restoration by the Company and the Plan, but he shall be in no event of supplication informed of Contents issued after the Procedure but before the restoration in its acting as the same, and local taxes cannot be exercised until and unless the Company has been indemnified by the local government for all tax revenues. Parties agree that the terms and conditions, set hereinafter and thereuntobefore, are subject to considerable and deserved mockery, and are bound together solely by a redundancy of fabricated prepositions.


For sake of example I'll be submitting my form here; for sake of reference a list and set of links to future sign-ups (expanded as necessary) will follow.

Spoiler for Jaye / 'Aurora':
Project #9066 - Epidimensional Location Excitement Motivating Extradimensional Novel Transit Status

Name: Jaye Granger
Other Aliases: In my writing projects, often Jayne or Aurora, characters into whose shoes (or paws) I suppose I'll step.
Age: 19
Gender: Male (although the two I mentioned are vixens, so...I suppose I'll do the same for this simulation).
Preferred Species/Race: Kitsune
Preferred Appearance: A silver-furred vixen, six-tailed (or I guess three-tailed if it makes more sense at whatever point we start), fairly recognizable as a vulpine but also distinctly humanoid, somewhat lithe and athletic. 5'9", roughly? Fur probably fairly long and soft, same for tails. Stripes of steel blue down the sides of tails, patch of red over heart. Paws which work just fine as hands and feet, but nonetheless allow for slashing if need be. Bright blue eyes that seem to sparkle...anyway. One last thing that might happen is a faint luminescence based on energy, for good or for ill.
Primary Elemental Affinity: :light, since...I guess I'd just say that I'm 'neutral good' as some classifications would go. Even though that's not a one-to-one comparison. I'd like to stick with light for peace's sake, my peace and that of others.
Secondary Elemental Affinity (if applicable): :time. Been fascinated with the idea of time-travel...and of dimensional warping, which is part of why I was interested in this project.
Profession: Student (collegiate)
Notable Hobbies: Writing, puzzles, gaming, logic, a bit of metaphysics, some others.
Concerns About Test (if any): I have difficulty believing that you're actually harnessing higher dimensions, as opposed to just being the next generation of VR...how is this supposed to work? Those dimensions have mostly been theoretical...what if things go wrong in transit? What if they go wrong when we get there...if, that is, we even are going anywhere?
Test Expectation Rating out of 5 Cakes: 2.5/5...cakes?

<Legal jargon>

Signature: Jaye C. Granger

Author List
I'll continue adding space to the list as need requires, hope you join in!
- I've been asked and will note, please make your sign-up form a reply in this thread. I'm just adding the links to specific posts for convenience.

AuthorCharacter (& link)Element/sLast Known Location
ProBaconClaiborne Sterling Matthews:aetherMagma Mountains (E)
kinkykitten624Izabelle 'Z' Dixon:entropy / :deathOracle Shrine (NE)
ArumJames Azazel:darkness / :aetherOracle Shrine (N)
AvesAetius 'Pawn' White:darkness / :lifeDesert of Time (SE)
AD TienzuStormNile Rusus:time / :airMagma Mountains (E)
Timdood3Joey Faral:air / :entropyMagma Mountains (E)
NaesalaRenae Lavinia 'Mivlya' Blizzard:gravity / :lightOracle Shrine (N)
MeowMeowCatChip Faral:air / :timeMagma Mountains (E)
JenkarYu'zsc:darkness / :entropyOracle Shrine (NE)
dawn to duskEldrick Tareal:life / :earthMagma Mountains (E)
DiscordJane 'the Dragon' Starkwood:entropy / :darknessMagma Mountains (E)
LinkcatSky:air / :lifeOracle Shrine (NE)
asdw152Brian 'Casino' Woo:entropyUnknown
Silver EmeraldJaye 'Aurora' Granger:light / :timeMagma Mountains (E)

Additional information:
- Each player has a multipurpose watch, which, among other things, provides provided information to Departure, has a map of the land (see below), and can perform a number of other yet-unspecified functions. Its displays are color-coded to the wearer's element/s. It also seems to be nigh-indestructible and, if taken off, will follow its bearer in the shape of a mini-helicopter.
- Creatures and permanents/artifacts are to be hidden away in a personal sub-space which will keep them nearby and summonable; this space is accessible by a watch but may not be entered by players.
- You start with the ability to perform elemental magic approximately equivalent to the starter deck of your primary element. Within the RP, magic is simply magic, and does not require cards. Your skills should progress over time, which is your prerogative.
- Limitations on magic: For our purposes, magic is a shortcut. By expending an amount of energy proportional (but not necessarily equivalent) to physically doing a task, with consideration for the distance you're doing it over, you may will some effect as an extension of your elemental power (spells) or bring an owned piece of equipment or loyal creature immediately from your watch's rift (summoning permanent/creatures). In this definition, manifesting your stated elements is considered not very physically draining; while other types are possible in theory it's simply not how you're specialized. You're not limited to the cards from EtG. The point at which you become tired should be reasonable in accord with your character's elemental experience and the number of Shards you've recovered.
- Magic does exist in the natural world and may be drawn on to help ease the physical strain, but the method of drawing on one particular type of element when many can be said to be present is imperfect and not recommended unless: a) Near a particularly potent source of that element, or b) When using gear which helps isolate a particular element.

You are free to add NPCs, with the stipulation that beyond my initial documenting them, they are your responsibility to: a) keep in check and not steal the spotlight from the character you signed on to write; and b) if you don't want them to be public domain you have to let me know and I'll make a note here.
- Dave Smithson, founder and CEO of Departure Science. In his late 60s and in pretty poor health, hoping to cure himself (among other things) if this experiment works. Is pretty ruthless in the pursuit of science.
- Rachael Whitman, works for Departure Science, Project Coordinator for E.L.E.M.E.N.T.S. She and her team are currently in the form of scavenging animals trying to piece back together the shattered gemstones used in the experiment; their efforts are Project #9067.
- (Silver Only) Virtual Assistant, better known as 'The Oracle'. An algorithm given flesh, he was supposed to help the players but the gateway crash has left much of his knowledge and power corrupted, hidden from him except in the form of strange predictions. Still wields a potent amount of control over each of the elements...but is mostly absorbed in trying to recover from the portal implosion.

- Departure Science HQ has been determined to be somewhere in the north of the US state Michigan.
- The map in this post by vrt is our reference map. We begin at the unmarked Oracle Shrine, located centrally between :fire and :time.
- Pillars and shards are unique; each element has built up its civilization around its pillar (an ancient artifact, the origin of which is unknown) since the pillar provides a localized purification effect which significantly improves the 'density' of its element in the region and thereby makes accessing native magic easier for that element. This has also kept the elemental borders relatively stable in the past, though squabbles over defining the borders are not uncommon. The 13th pillar, the Quantum Pillar, is part of the Oracle Shrine and is understood to be a neutral zone.
- The Shard of each element is among the greatest treasures of its civilization and confers a more portable form of the Pillar to its holder, in addition to some other effect. Rulers are generally leery to give them up, but when they do so, according to epics of heroes gone by, it shows that the ruler trusts in the recipient to use it well and trusts in the Oracle to be able to mysteriously recover the Shard if should anything untoward happen. Whether that's still possible in his weakened state remains to be seen.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 04:56:58 pm by Silver Emerald »
The point isn't that the glass is half full or half empty. The point is that it's refillable!

Pen, keyboard, typewriter...the tools of my trade for the construction of worlds.
"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic." - A.W.P.B.D.

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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222132#msg1222132
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2016, 06:52:23 am »
Project #9066 - Epidimensional Location Excitement Motivating Extradimensional Novel Transit Status

Name: Sky
Other Aliases: None.
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Preferred Species/Race: Human
Preferred Appearance: No changes, outfit similar to this. (My appearance is close to what it is pictured, 6'2" with hair reaching halfway down my back, wearing jeans, a black t-shirt, and a very dark grey hoodie with the hood down until we get inside.
Primary Elemental Affinity:  :air
Secondary Elemental Affinity (if applicable):  :life
Profession: Park Ranger
Notable Hobbies: Archery, Hunting, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Adventure, etc., Gaming of all kinds.
Concerns About Test (if any): Slight skepticism.
Test Expectation Rating out of 5 Cakes: I have no expectations.

At this time, accessing the sub-regional dimension and, in its use, applying uniform distribution of friction is a developmental imperative in an emerging guided fantasy. The same being licensed herewith (except those consultants and in the survivor of such date the Committee under Warrant Agent and all respects be required by it may the same and shall have all of the rights except those belonging to a Stockholder which the latter have acquired in new Directives issued upon the surrender of Certificates or the return of a product duly described by an on-duty Theft Investigation Agent appointed by Licensee, or in Licensee's absence, a family member, if available, who has been both charged with and acquitted of larceny, or otherwise the Committee, with respect to the extent lawful) all stamp taxes and acknowledgement of the Procedure being duly issued as well as second-party recognition that the Participant has made this Agreement or superseding order in writing and in person, according to customary law, the User may request a restoration by the Company and the Plan, but he shall be in no event of supplication informed of Contents issued after the Procedure but before the restoration in its acting as the same, and local taxes cannot be exercised until and unless the Company has been indemnified by the local government for all tax revenues. Parties agree that the terms and conditions, set hereinafter and thereuntobefore, are subject to considerable and deserved mockery, and are bound together solely by a redundancy of fabricated prepositions.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 05:05:14 am by Linkcat »
Interested in running a Forum Game? PM me or drop by the Transfer Thread and we'll see what we can do.

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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222134#msg1222134
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2016, 07:02:52 am »
In, sounds fun

Spoiler for Application:
Name: Claiborne Sterling Matthews
Other Aliases: N/A
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Preferred Race: Human, Creamy Black Skin (like Stephen Curry)
Preferred Appearance: 6" 4' slightly built with black dreadlocks. Only noticeable physical deformations being a slight scar on the left arm
Primary Elemental Affinity:  :aether Loves the unity that Aether brings to me and my friends. Also a lesser used element that I am trying to make a bit better and more respected in the world.
Secondary Elemental Affinity (if applicable): Very loyal to only one element. Picking two would be treason.
Profession: Fresh out of college with a masters in astrophysics, although not employed
Notable Hobbies: Space, sports, card games and slam poetry
Concerns About Test (if any): free food?
Test Expectation Rating out of 5 Cakes: a solid 4.5/5

Signature: Claiborne S. Matthews

EDIT: Answer to the question "Where do we start?" : When we meet at the testing facility, to have some early interactions
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 05:52:19 pm by ProBacon »
:air War 11 - Team Air :air
:darkness War 13 - Team Darkness :darkness
:life War 14 - Team Life :life
The mind is your only true companion

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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222202#msg1222202
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2016, 09:33:42 pm »
Name: Izabelle Dixon
Other Aliases: Goes as Z when out and about to keep her identity safe.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Preferred Species/Race: Human
Preferred Appearance: Long, bright red hair. Ice-blue eyes. Standing at about 5'7, muscular. Gotta be strong in what I do. 
Primary Elemental Affinity: Entropy. Gotta love chaos
Secondary Elemental Affinity (if applicable): Death. One of my favorite things
Profession: Assassin
Notable Hobbies: Gaming, archery, fencing
Concerns About Test (if any): Nothing.
Test Expectation Rating out of 5 Cakes: I don't even know what this means, so how about a 3/5..cakes
Team F.R.O.G.S | Brawl #6
Team GFY | Brawl #7
Go read my story here!
:entropy ~AbomiNation~ :entropy

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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222212#msg1222212
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2016, 11:14:55 pm »
Spoiler for Application for Roleplay:
Name: Renae Lavinia Blizzard
Other Aliases: Mivlya
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Preferred Species/Race: Anthropomorphic Skunk
Preferred Appearance: Mivlya stands five foot six inches in height and weighs roughly two-hundred pounds, slightly chubby but possessing tight muscles beneath. She possesses the same... anatomical quirk at the player [See corresponding health form Pre-Existing conditions Form H2304]. Blue eyes, basic skunk coloration for fur and long white hair.
Primary Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Secondary Elemental Affinity (if applicable): Light
Profession: Student / Sales Associate
Notable Hobbies: Reading, Studying Legal Documentation, Tactical Roleplay.
Concerns About Test (if any): Section 8 Part B of the Terms and Conditions contains a loophole which does not adequately protect the company in the event of we (the players) untimely deaths and could be easily rectified by the use of the attached rewrite. I authorize use of this rewrite at no additional charge.
Test Expectation Rating out of 5 Cakes: [Blank]

At this time, accessing the sub-regional dimension and, in its use, applying uniform distribution of friction is a developmental imperative in an emerging guided fantasy. The same being licensed herewith (except those consultants and in the survivor of such date the Committee under Warrant Agent and all respects be required by it may the same and shall have all of the rights except those belonging to a Stockholder which the latter have acquired in new Directives issued upon the surrender of Certificates or the return of a product duly described by an on-duty Theft Investigation Agent appointed by Licensee, or in Licensee's absence, a family member, if available, who has been both charged with and acquitted of larceny, or otherwise the Committee, with respect to the extent lawful) all stamp taxes and acknowledgement of the Procedure being duly issued as well as second-party recognition that the Participant has made this Agreement or superseding order in writing and in person, according to customary law, the User may request a restoration by the Company and the Plan, but he shall be in no event of supplication informed of Contents issued after the Procedure but before the restoration in its acting as the same, and local taxes cannot be exercised until and unless the Company has been indemnified by the local government for all tax revenues. Parties agree that the terms and conditions, set hereinafter and thereuntobefore, are subject to considerable and deserved mockery, and are bound together solely by a redundancy of fabricated prepositions.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 05:32:16 am by Naesala »
Your favorite Hotyugh

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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222217#msg1222217
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2016, 11:56:40 pm »
Spoiler for My character:
Name: James Azazel
Other Aliases:
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Preferred Species/Race: Lizard
Preferred Appearance: A humanoid reptilian similar to what might be described a dragon, I am coated in black scales with an "underbelly" of dark green that runs down my chest, thighs and "undertail". Tail is long, just as long as I am tall. Tapers into a thin point. Tall, standing at approximately 7 feet 2 inches, or approximately 2.2 metres. Hands have five digits, consisting of four fingers and a thumb that end in claws. Feet are also human-like, but instead of toenails, claws. Hairless. Eyes dark green, eerily yellow in some lights. Able to breathe a blue flame that radiates cold, and has resistance to temperature. Somewhat muscular, but more of an athletic build.
Primary Elemental Affinity: :darkness I thrive in being unnoticed, due to the nature of my work. When people don't notice me, they often do things that signal their guilt or innocence.
Secondary Elemental Affinity (if applicable): :aether To remain in CSI, I have had to remain impartial and distant, some even say unfeeling.
Profession: Crime Scene Investigator / Private Eye
Notable Hobbies: 3D Puzzles, reading, collecting skulls, gaming, weapons training
Concerns About Test (if any): How do we know our mental faculties will remain intact? Any potential stress on living minds, on human minds, has not been directly tested for. There could be hallucinations, memory loss, retardation... the list goes on.
Test Expectation Rating out of 5 Cakes: 0/5 cakes. I'm not expecting cake. If you were asking about my feeling of the test's success, then that would be 3/5, since there is always the element of the unknown that cannot be accounted for in calculations.

Signature; James A. Azazel

I look forward to this.

One question; is my application clear or are there certain things that need rewriting?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 01:29:28 am by Arum »
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A n d
M e n

Offline Silver EmeraldTopic starter

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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222229#msg1222229
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2016, 01:25:49 am »
All: Thanks for being the first to say yes!

Link: I'll go ahead and list you once the sheet is written and up.

PBacon: All right, you're in. Thanks for the signature, even if the legal text was not the most clear.

Kit: Sounds interesting that we'll have a young assassin with us. Would like the signature indicating agreement to the excessively complicated contract, though. Listed.

Nae: I'm prepared to list you as well once the form is made.

Arum: You're mostly fine, though if you're going to bring in an ability such as the breath it should probably be element-related (though elements are, in theory, subject to change via metamorphosis). No, I'm not sure off-paw what that element-related ability would be. Also, signature is at the end of the form, after the contract.

And back to All: I have a question for everyone else while we're still in preparation, and those who have yet to sign up may also pitch in before the story actually starts. Would you rather begin:
- When we meet at the testing facility, to have some early interaction?
- Just before we go through the portal, to describe feelings and changes in the dimensional shift?
- Just after we go through the portal, to hit the ground running with fresh problems?

Would be glad to hear back!
The point isn't that the glass is half full or half empty. The point is that it's refillable!

Pen, keyboard, typewriter...the tools of my trade for the construction of worlds.
"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic." - A.W.P.B.D.

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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222230#msg1222230
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2016, 01:27:07 am »
Spoiler for Aetius White:
Project #9066 - Epidimensional Location Excitement Motivating Extradimensional Novel Transit Status

Name:Aetius White
Other Aliases: Pawn
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Preferred Race: Illusionist-- Illusionists can project false visual stimuli at the cost of their own sensory perception, which weakens exponentially the longer the illusion is maintained.
Preferred Appearance: 5"5', medium length black beard. Wiry, not muscular. Cloaked. Likes hats. 
Primary Elemental Affinity: :darkness The media calls them brush wars, anomalies of an orderly and peaceful technologically advanced society, anachronisms in our globalized era. Those of us who came back know better.
Secondary Elemental Affinity (if applicable): :life Strength through Diversity. That's the creed, isn't it?
Profession: Former Human Rights Graduate Student
Notable Hobbies: History, Logic, Strategy Games.
Concerns About Test (if any): Is the simulated life sapient? Do the creatures and beings we encounter have rights? What happens when we are not there, and the machines are turned off? If not... what happens when these conditions are exploited?
Test Expectation Rating out of 5 Cakes: 5/5.

<Legal jargon>

Signature: Aetius White
Edit: 1337th post  8)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 02:21:58 am by Aves »
:darkness War # 4, 9, 10
:darkness League of Shadows :darkness Brawl # 5

The Tentacle's Grip Brawl # 6

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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222231#msg1222231
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2016, 01:35:23 am »
The reason I kept the breath is because I am a dragon-humanoid, but I figured a cold breath is a lot more subtle than a burning one, so I switched it that way. Also, it makes it a lot easier to break stone, doors, etc. In the "real world" I would carry a canister of liquid nitrogen if I needed to break in somewhere, since frozen metal is a lot more brittle.
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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222232#msg1222232
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2016, 01:53:31 am »
On the topic of where to start; I think an arrival at the facility would be a good write in point; start everyone off with 5 minutes of independent arrivals in sequential order (if I go 3rd, when I enter I will see #1 and #2) so that other people get a feel of how your character should be interacted with/written on their side. Then we can take it from there.
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Offline Linkcat

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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222235#msg1222235
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2016, 02:19:54 am »
My preferred starting point is for each of us to arrive at the facility independently, but not see each other until we enter the world one by one, and each person can decide if they want to enter next to others or start off on their own.
Interested in running a Forum Game? PM me or drop by the Transfer Thread and we'll see what we can do.

Offline ProBacon

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Re: Virtual Reality Sign-Up Thread (+Questions, Comments, Concerns) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61117.msg1222239#msg1222239
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2016, 03:15:07 am »
PBacon: All right, you're in. Thanks for the signature, even if the legal text was not the most clear.

I did it to make the app. more professional. Couldn't find a cursive looking font soooo, had to adjust.
:air War 11 - Team Air :air
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