Card to deal with the bandits:
Name: Shadow Army
Element: _darkness
Cost: 1
Type: Spell
Text: Gain a "shadow"-copy of each creature the opponent controls. As en extra cost when playing this card, pay

quanta equal to half the cost of each shadow created. Shadow dissapears at the end of turn.
Notes: "Shadow"-copies are identical to the original
card, so it creates a new card, like fractal, not a a full copy like Parallell Universe. This means that any buffs that the opponent's creatures had are not reflected on the shadows. Shadows are alway

, regardless of the original creature's element. If you run out of

quanta, no more shadow are created.
Art: (Optional)
I use this to get 2 shadows of the bandits, which then fight the original bandits. It costs me 5

Character card:
Spoiler for Hidden:
Name: Thaez the Dark
Level/Elements: 1

Stats : 1/1
Ability :

- Unholy Strike - Target creature takes 1 damage.
Experience: 0/20 EXP
Quanta : 5

Electrum : 100
Items : None
Current Goals: Looking for a new goal in life.