Has anyone tested Shriekers/earthquakes/reverse times for this challenge?
I'll do it.
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 590 590 591 591 591 591 591 593 593 5rk 5rk
Round 1: (30 min with spins) 14/2 208 electrum (- bonus from spins, was 298)
oops, forgot to record score but you can't buy cards with score so I'll skip it for rounds 2 and 3.
Round 2: (30 min with spins) 16/0 283* electrum (-bonus from spins, was 373)
*= 1 EM
Round 3: (30 min wiht spins) 16/2 244* electrum(-bonus from spins, was 309)
*= 1 EM
Total: 46/4, 735** electrum (-bonus from spins, was 980)
**= 2 EM
notes: Can get EM vs death deck if it only plays vultures and nothing dies. Losses: Had trouble with etropy/darkenes (chaos seed, maxwells demon), Gravity/Light (blessed otyugh, armagio + multiple guardian angels), Air mark Air/Light/Life (Owls eye with firefly queen out, heal). Earth/time reverse timed my shrieker, granite skin. Last 2 losses got computer down to 2 or 4 before dying. I'm not the most expereiced with shriekers. Maybe played an EQ when I should have played a creature vs earth time (didn't really slow it down) or maybe waited too long to evolve shriekers vs that Owls Eye. Someone more experienced would be better in these situations.
Could have been faster if I didn't keep track of spin bonus. Wrote down opponent during spins for round 1. This one could be slower than plain shriekers. (no weapon, 2 less pillars, 1 less shrieker).
QUOTE: I tested some of the best grinders for 60 minutes each. I skipped spins because the cards you win from spins have nothing to do with how fast the deck is.
Graboids rush: 45 wins, 4 losses, 620 gold
Mono-life rush: 46 wins, 1 losses, 719 gold
Plastiqe's deck: 48 wins, 3 losses, 769 gold
It looks like plastiqe's deck is the best. - Kintar
Also for the upgraded nova golems:
I don't know it this would work, but for the nova lava golem deck, would it be possible to put quicksand in it?