Round 3 Battles have started.
Round 3 Battles have Started.
You must play your opponent before time runs out. There are There are Round 3 has ended.
The deckbuilding rules can be found here. (,23839.0.html)
Results and decks should be posted in the Round 3 Battle Results thread. (,29889.0.html)
Here are the Round 1 Matches. Each Raise is in parentheses after its player's name. The sum of both Raises is at the end of the pairing.
mrpaper (4) vs Kakerlake (3) - 7
majofa (4) vs Jaymanfu (5) - 9
calindu221 (4) vs chum3 (7) - 11
Terroking (6) vs MrBlonde (4) - 10
Haltar Dhrim (4) vs Gufo90 (5) - 9
YoungSot (4) vs iCall_uHobo (4) - 8
If you have any questions, post them in this thread.
Here is the Community Pile. These cards can be used by every player.
4vd 4ve 52h 52i 55l 55m 58p 58q 5bt 5bu 5f1 5f2 5i5 5i6 5l9 5la 5od 5oe 5rh 5ri 5ul 5um 61p 61q