I got rainbow today, and as my AM/LS seem to dislike me (I always fail to draw enough antimatters or liquid shadows in time), I decided to try something else and based on glitch comment I build the following deck:
Rainbow can be easily beaten if you know he's coming. Go gravity+earth, use otyugh to control and heavy armor to get him big enough, and use black holes and earthquakes to put rainbow in it's place.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
55p 55p 55p 55p 55v 55v 55v 55v 55v 55v 58t 58t 592 592 592 592 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 8pl
Sadly, I lost, but this deck has potential.

I lost because his hand god flooding with cards he couldn't play, after I got a third turn EA-gravity shield and managed to protect my pendulums the turn after, turning all his CC AND PC into death cards, which resulted in seeing a few games where he was simply unable to use his hourglasses, because he had to clear his hand (by discarding).
As you can see I came close to losing on hp's too, because his owl's eye decided to show up on the third turn, and kept hitting me from there on. I think the deck will work out fine (especially fully upped) with one of two pulverizers to take his owl's eyes out, and a few stone skins for more healing.
Note, if you don't have upped BB, use 4 armors and 4 BB, instead of 2/6. The BB is nice when you are facing a shrieker before you have a gravity shield up, but can be expensive in the beginning (because you want to get the quanta for EA as fast as possible).
Play style:
Get a EA gravity shield as soon as possible
Use armors and BB on his shriekers
Use black hole for healing, try to maximize the healing
So don't heal when you have only 70 quanta left or when rainbow has little quanta, the extra hp's are more valuable than the extra turn(s) you get by using an early black hole, because: 8x shrieker = 96 damage, 8x spirit = 48 damage, 8x lycan = 8 damage, 4x thunderstorm = 20 damage, totalling at least 172 damage. You start with 100 damage, and you black holes can do 216 damage too, but with an early owl's eye and few hits before you can get your shield up that will be just enough (you can take 20 hits by on owl's eye, but that is without counting any hits by shriekers/spirits/lycans before you get your shield up.