Deck Helper comment: This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now. Use at your own risk.
The DeckI have been testing around a new FG deck in anticipation for the coming of 1.21
The problem in 1.21 with FG deck are automulligen / cost increase
I believe alot of you (like me) uses a variation of either Time Sundial FG deck or Entrophy Supernova FG deck
Regardless, i will quickly explain why the above 2 things in 1.21 is damaging
Time FG > Increase cost to hourglass / eternity / alot more things
Entrophy FG > Authomulligen will potentially shuffle an awesome hand away
Anyway, to solve these, I decided to make a deck based on least number of cards that is reli reli reli reli necesary
Then I worked on the safety of the deck, and after improving my entrophy FG, I have this
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vo 5le 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 71b 74b 74b 77i 7ba 7ba 7ba 7do 7gp 7k2 7n3 7q5 7q5 7q8 80h 80h 80h 8pj
I have killed every single god with this deck, and probably like all FG deck, rainbow gives you the hardest time
StatisticsSince v1.21 has come live, I have finish (31st March) testing over 100 games

Win: 68 - Most Win: Fire Queen, Paradox
Lost: 32 - Most Lost: Dark Matter, Divine Glory
Please note I only record win/lost as I believe it is pointless to record specficly EM/Deckouts...
The stats are kept here, I am trying to play about 10 games a day, if time allows me to~ of you have commented that this deck is very difficult to use, the cards never come right, therefore I have added some videos of me fighting FG, as a mini-tutorial, for you to see how my playstyle (might) differ then yours. For this purpose, I have included some examples also how I lost
Destiny (
) - A simple game against Destiny as the first video on the list to demostrate how I use my deck. Note that I always eat the eggs first because I hate them hatching into dragons
Morte (
) - This game got very close, and at the end he mircale, and I knew soon my bone wall could fall, so i used permafrost and created skeleton for him to create a complete defense
Fire Queen (
) - Fire Queen is hard when he drops alot of queens early, as the rush of fireflies can be very painful. Permafrost are good early game, as it can freezen queen. Until your fire storm + bone wall come, there is not a big point to switch.
Incarnate (
) - He can be hard sometimes when the draw is not so right. Without early butterfly, permafrost is actually a better shield. Just watch out to reverse poisoned firefly to prevent him having too much skeleton
Scorpio (
) - For Scorpio, a good draw is many SoG and a permafrost shield, in this game. It shows that even with an early oty, no SoG can still be devastating, but mircale extended my life by a fair bit
Seism (
) - Against Seism, without an early enchant artifact for the pillar, then you have to play your pillar slowly to ensure a win, remember to enchante your pillar. This game, however, he just rush too fast to have any chance against him
Dark Matter (
) - This game I simply lost because I couldnt get 1 single gravity quatum to play a quint oty, and when his blackholes came in, I knew it was over sooner or later
Gemini (
) - Gemini can be difficult and this is just a classic example of how you can do everything right, and then he copies his own dragons and kills you
FG controlChaos Lord | Steal, Congeal, Improved Mutation, Explosion |
Dark Matter | Black Hole, Gravity Force, Unstoppable |
Decay | Fractal, Siphon Life, Steal |
Destiny | Rewind |
Divine Glory | Explosion |
Dream Catcher | Butterfly Effect, Shockwave, Congeal, Thunderbolt, Rage Elixer, Quicksand |
Eldinis | Congeal, Twin Universe |
Eternal Phoenix | Fire Lance, Fire Storm, Explosion, Thunderbolt, Fractal |
Ferox | None |
Firefly Queen | Fire Lance |
Gemini | Unstoppable, Twin Universe |
Gravition | Gravity Force, Explosion, Fire Storm, Unstoppable |
Hermes | Explosion, Fire Lance, Fire Storm |
Incarnate | None |
Miracle | None |
Morte | Improved Plague |
Neptune | Congeal, Shockwave |
Obliterator | Gravity Force, Unstoppable |
Octane | Explosions, Fire Lance |
Osiris | Rewind, Unstoppable |
Paradox | Twin Universe |
Rainbow | Congeal, Gravity force, Lightning, Explosion, Steal |
Scorpio | Congeal, Ice Lance |
Seism | Rewind, Quicksand |
Note that this list just gives control that is "instant"
Variant IdeaAlot of people have come back giving ideas of slight variants. Here is some idea you can try while running this.
• Up all the cards
• Change angel to elite oty / pest. This is definitely better, but like i tell everyone,
angel is one of my favorite card in this game
• Make it 35 card. Adding things such as another shield, steal, antimatter etc. 35 card is the max you can do with 2 hourglass after alot of testing
• Switch FFQ to another source of damage, such as air nymph or a growth creature
• Use another 1 or 2 SoG instead of the mircale. I personally find mircale very very useful. But SoG do stall much better against gods with poison
• Add a rewind in to prevent decking-out. I agree eternity being the last card is annoying, but personally it never happen much
• Add 1 time tower or change 1 quantum tower to time tower, this will smooth out the usage of eternity
ScreenshotsPictures, to give you a taste of the more difficult gods being slayed...

::: The first day the new cards goes live, Orcale gave me a guardian angel , I am sure fate wants me to stick with the angel :::