To make 500 score and
- Amount of time and effort to make decks that "win AI3" is competely out of proportion to rewards of getting 500 score. I have 128,969 score now. Most of it came from beating AI3, but with speedy decks that also got elemental mastery. More than doubling the rewards of playing is too big factor to just ignore. Yet it's quite rare to see decks that pack any sort of healing.
i did one, i get an EM almsot every match, it just take "its time" and plus is not that easy to use, but 128K points(most of them made against AI3, wich make you know better the oppo you're goin' to front) i suppose you'll handle it.
of course i have to finish to up(just made it) and alsoo BLA-BLA-BLA
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5c5 5c7 5oi 5oi 5oi 5ol 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6s2 6tt 6u0 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u5 71a 74b 77f 7gr 7n2 7n2 7q5 7q9 7tb 8pj
the key combos are use disc. with SoF(black hole), eagle's eye + max. dem.-elite ot.-arctic oct., adren + vamp. sti. or. (better the druidic stuff), and of course use the diss. sh., just when the damage dealt to you is not gonna compromise your pool.
take a bit too longer, but with the right knowledge of AI3 it's "almost" impossible loose and of course the EM is again "almost" guaranteed