You missed one of the greatest Warden synergies of them all: SoP.
Suggestions: -1 Doll, -2 Chaos Power, -1 Turtle Shield. +1 Warden, +3 SoP.
You don't really need the shield, if your Wardens are killing everything in sight; you don't need the CPs, with Blessing and Shard of Patience for buffs - it also gets you to a SN more quickly.
Just some thoughts, from another fan of Wardens.
SoP would conflict with the rest of the deck, slowing down his attack, and making the buff cards almost redundant
the shield can stop immaterial creatures, your wardens cant
CP are an excellent buff card that wont conflict at all with Snova, considering that the deck barely uses
I don't see how SoP would slow the deck any. If it's down for only a turn or two, it can buff multiple Wardens enough to make their CC harder, and boost their attack. With more than 1 Warden in play, 1 SoP >= 1 CP, as far as boosting attack/CC goes. Sure, defense doesn't change, but with 6HP, Wardens are proof against most CC anyways.
Solid point on the shield vs immaterial creatures.
CP doesn't especially conflict with SN, true, but SoP conflicts even less so. Moving away from CP also allows for versitility in choosing your mark, and switching to Nova or straight QPs for quanta. Or, conversely, swapping out the buffs entirely for more stall/removal. RE out allows Deflag in; Blessing out allows Sanctuary in; etc. But that's an entirely different deck altogether, I suppose.
/wishful thinking on making both Wardens and SoP useful in the same deck...