just curious, why bring SoSac? what ability are you expecting to get from those? i think SoFs would be useful for momentum, and/or SoWs for immortality, but that's just me..
Imma try this out with random shards nao 
Well.. y'see..
Not going to lie. I just clicked the first shards that popped into my head and made the deck, tested it out, figured it worked, and posted it.
Entropy is the first element, death is the next element; I don't really like SoFo, so I skipped all the way to SoP. Figured SoFree would be nice, filled with Gratitude, Readiness, and Void.
It's not optimal, but it's the deck that started it all, so I posted it first. I think the optimal version would be 4 SoFree's, 4 SoBra's, 4 SoFo's, 4 SoV's, 4 SoW's, 4.. Something?
But that's the beauty of this deck (for me); you can use whatever shards you like (In whatever quantity you like). So every match is a different match, even with the same
deck; And if you were to make up a bit more of randomness, it's all good too. For example, 2 or 3 of every element, and then filling with SoI's, that's alright too. It's just to have fun.
(And even with lesser or more defensive Shards, such as SoD, SoG and SoSac, it's actually manageable to get a over 20 attack creature on the second turn. It surprised me. =P)
Anyway, try it and tell us what you found! A funnier version, or a faster one... (Or a lolzy match.)