Well this is a huge bump; I'm a bit sad to see this topic become obsolete, but there's not much to do about that. Anyways, I may or may not run another set of games against the AI3 for testing depending on what's on my plate during the upcoming week. T50 Destruction 101 seems a bit of a silly title now that T50 no longer exists, and oddly the deck doesn't fare very well against Arena compared to against T50. Therefore I'm renaming it to PvP Destruction 101. The title seems awkward, but after having used this during my one and only Championship League season I'm certain that it works well enough in the PvP atmosphere to deserve the name, even if the current metagame has more ways to deal with it now. I'm also adding a new member to this family of decks: Arena Destruction 101.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u5 6u5 6u5 713 713 74f 74f 74f 77g 77g 7dm 7dq 7gm 7ju 7n8 7n8 7q5 7t9 80g 8pj
Not the first time I've posted this deck, granted I have made a single modification since its first post. It's basically a combination of Elder Destruction 101 and T50 Destruction 101 with a bit of TADAbow splashed in for added denial and stamina against the more menacing threats. It's usually able to shrug off slower Firestalls, stops Life rushes cold with Wings, breaks through Dim Shield chains with Discord/BH, and it has a pretty decent EM rate to top it all off. This is one of the few decks that I've been able to make a few minor changes to and still have it work over a lengthy period of time. This deck has been a Silver League slayer since the Arena's beginning and over time has barely been affected by the most recent changes. Big threats this deck is able to take down with relative ease:
Firestalls - Discord screws with them and their quanta during the early game, BH denies their quanta fuel further, and heavy HP creatures waste the smaller forms of CC. Wings blocks Fahrenheit
Mono Aether - You have 2 sources of PC here in addition to Discord/BH denying quanta for Dim Shields. On top of the AI being unwise with how it spends its quanta (it usually plays Phase Dragon, Immortal, and Parallel Universe before the Shields), the shield chain should be broken quite often, but this is in no way guaranteed.
Ghostmare - Depends on the builds for these usually as multiple Steals can sometimes cause issues. I've been told that Stealing Towers to play Nightmare'd GotP is a good strategy here. If you manage to draw a Discord early game or even a BH then you're set. Also, the AI will waste Nightmares on your own creatures if it can't play any Ghosts; you should aim for forcing it to do this at least once during the duel, but be wary of Rewinds.
Mono Darkness - Not a huge threat. Unless multiple Devourer get out earlier and completely stop you from playing Supernova then their denial shouldn't be problematic. Steals are probably the biggest issue here as Gargoyles and Dragons usually need to be stopped with Wings which is a prime target for Steal. The longer you can hold out on playing Wings and having the AI waste its Steals on other cards so that stealing Wings is less likely, the better. But if you've established a tight lockdown with Discord+BH, then you should be set.
Mono Death - I don't believe I've seen a single Mono Death deck in Silver thus far that uses Shard of Sacrifice which is a huge relief really. Against these opponents you usually just need to play Wings and a Recluse for all of the creatures which leaves you with Poison as the remaining threat. Your creatures should show themselves quickly enough to where Bone Walls are a minor nuisance at best.
Speedbows - Wings and BHs spell doom for most of these, not to mention AD101 will usually set up faster due to distribution of Arena points for dexterity, more HP, etc.
Stallbows - Easy, easy to kill. BH + rushing is just way too much for most of these. Hold off on playing PC just in case the AI tries to play unexpected Phase Shields, Wings, etc.
Discord/BH - If you can manage to play a Wings to stop Discord (you'll need a Recluse for Animated copies) then this ensures your victory more often. Aside from this, Discord/BH is typically a slow deck in Silver League due to the lack of damage output and the amount of denial it uses, which gives you ample time to rush them to death. Hold off on playing SN unless you need to play a lot of creatures, permanents, etc. at once and your chances of success are much greater. I don't seem to run into very many of these in Silver League, however.
Mono Life creature spam decks - Wings. Not much more to say.
Shrieker rushes - See above.
I've had people tell me their own preferences in card choice for this deck whether it be changing the Crawler to a Forest Spectre or removing the Phase Recluse for a TU. While I won't discourage anyone from messing around with the deck to see if any modifications suit them better, this is the version that I have found to be both more consistent and most successful in the Arena. Because the Arena is extremely dynamic due to the number of decks there, something that works for one day will weaken the deck the next.
I have gotten much praise for this deck and its performance against Bronze League and Silver League. It can work against Gold League as well (I managed 2 rare spins yesterday during the short time I used it), but it's not as consistent.