Short and sweet and to the point: My latest victim is...
I don't know much about him but... I'm better he's a worth adversary!
He enters the duel with a Mark of Darkness, drops a Quantum Pillar, and and Aether Pillar (...?) and then he... casts a Precog on me...

(A worthy adversary, indeed.)
This wasn't a duel... This was a puzzle!
(I like puzzles.)
He proceeds to slap me around with more Precogs, Steals, Explosions, and a Discord.

--Wait a second.
Why do I get the feeling that I've seen this deck before?

(Oh yeah, I remember now.)
"Where are his creatures?" silently asks the man with a couple Fractals in his hand and 9 cards left in his deck.
And as I'm about to send my message of victory...
...Tuntor denies my mating call.

With nothing more to look forward to other than 9 more turns of humiliation and defeat, Tuntor decides to raise the white flag and call it quits.
(I like happy endings.)
Lots of Updates:-1 Jade Staff-2 Explosion-1 Permafrost Shield-3 Phase Shield+1 Spine Carapace+2 Purify+2 Wings+1 Improved Steal+1 Electrocutor
Fire and Thorn would kill the malignant cells and kill the lockdown. The point is to defend against the massive 1 damage pocks, but not to kill them. (This is why Inundation is so great. It leaves the malignant cells alone.)
Doesn't an upgraded Thorn shield block one attack so Malignant Cells aren't affected by it?
Dragoon had a good point. After a lot of testing... I've decided that an upgraded Spine Carapace is awesome. In this deck it's better than Permafrost. Most of the rest of the changes had to do with taking advantage of all the new cards and evening out the quanta usage. If I was going with two 7 costed Life Shields, the Staff had to go. If Permafrost was gone, it opened space for Purifies (on top of 6 SoGs) and made more breathing room for the Inundation. And the 3x Phase Shields were always a little pricey for the deck. The 2x Wings filled those shoes nicely. And with the removal of the Jade Staff along with the Phase Shields, it opened up a slot for an Electrocutor.
With more testing, were a couple creatures that gave this deck problems. These were mostly creatures with Growth or Blaze, but also things like Fallen Druids and cards like Butterfly Effect. Electrocutor fights off all of these (and so does the Spine Carapace). It's tempting to put a Pulverisor in here, but it's always a threat to be stolen (like from Tuntor's deck). On the other hand, a stolen Electrocutor is harmless.