Ok... In an attempt to steer this thread back towards the topic, I'd like to discuss one of the strategies I often find myself using with this deck.
Playing Under the Ray of Light:At times you might find your hand clogged and not really have enough

Q to start playing out all of those Skins you have flipped up on the right side of the screen. Remember, we're trying to get to 500hp here...

Hmmm, what to do... let's see. Well, if you have your Eternity on the board, an Hourglass in play and a RoL in hand, here's just the thing for you!
Play under the RoL...
- Play the RoL
- Use the Hourglass to draw the next card in your deck
- Use Eternity to Rewind the RoL back into your hand
- Repeat and watch your

Q grow until you can dump a Skin and open up a slot in your hand...
This little trick can get you quite a few more 500hp EM's than you might normally think! Why settle for 438hp's when you can
"Play under the RoL" and get the full 500... 8)
Enjoy! and feel free to share any tips and tricks you use with this deck.