Let me start off by saying that while my deck is original, it is based off of phalgast's deck found here
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,5213.0.html (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,5213.0.html). However, I have tweaked it to balance out the quanta usage and make it better/well-rounded/DEADLY against PVP opponents.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u1 6u1 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 713 713 745 74d 74d 77g 77g 7ag 7ag 7dm 7dm 7dq 7gm 7mu 7qb 7qb 80g 8pj
The playing strategy is fairly simple: play any towers you have, once you've accumulated 2

, play any Supernovas in your hand, then begin to overwhelm your opponent with any and all creatures you have. As for the non-creature cards, play any Precog's as soon as you can. They will help to identify your opponents strategy (and potentially dangerous cards, mostly just Rain of Fire) and give you that crucial card draw. I usually hold on to any Explosions I have until the opponent plays a pesky shield (Procrastination, Diamond Shield, Phase Shield, etc.) or Eagle's Eye. Gravity Force is used to target and kill high damage or threatening creatures that might cause you trouble (dragons, Oty's, Maxwell's Demons, etc.).
One of the keys to this deck is the balance in the quanta used. This is very useful in the early parts of a match so you can get more creatures out faster, thus dealing more damage before your opponents (especially rainbow decks) can establish their defense.
Here is the quanta usage for the deck:



2 (Werewolf evolution)








4 (Graboid evolution)

Other card options:
These are cards that I had in earlier versions of the deck but didn't make the final cut...
2x Improved Blessing: Helps to protect your creatures with low health against Oty's, creature control spells, Fire Bucklers, and Eagle's Eye's. Also adds that extra little bit of damage that might win you the battle. Also, at 2

each, doesn't stain your quanta at all.
2x Lightning: Plus - Can deal direct damage to your opponent.
Minus - Damage is capped at 5, whereas Gravity Force is capable of dealing much more.
Now for a little demonstration of the awesomeness of this deck

Against Top50
Deck Type Wins Losses
Large Rainbow (51-60 cards) 7 0
Medium Rainbow (41-50) 9 2
Small Rainbow (30-40) 7 0
Speed Poison 5 1
Shrieker Rush 5 0
Mono Fire 4 0
Mono Dark 4 0
Fractal-Phoenix 3 0
Fractal-Pest 3 0
Air/Fire 2 0
Gravity/Fire 2 0
Light/Entropy 2 0
Gravity/Aether 1 1
Farm Decks 19 0
Totals 73 4
Totals without Farms 54 4
Notes: Two losses were due to bad draws (lack of Supernovas once, lack of creatures once), one loss was due to opponents amazing starting hand, and one was just a legitimate
beatdown. Sadly, it happens.
Well, I think that just about wraps it up. I've played for several months now, using all sorts of different deck combinations. Some decks can get boring and monotonous after a while, even if they are good. Some decks are fun, but aren't that good. This, however, is the best of both worlds. Fun and consistently good. Try it out and let me know what you think. Have any thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Criticisms? Fire away.