Here the reason for the Card-choice:
Quantum Pillars:I have tried to play the same Deck with Entropy-Pillars, but afterwards I depended to much to a good Nova-draw. The quantum Pillars support my Quanta-generation and at its best, they make my play supernova in 1st or 2nd round.
Supernovas:Heart of the Deck with its Quanta-generation...
WerewolfCheap & with 6/6 good body after lycantrophy
Elite GraboidNothing to explain, one of the strongest creatures in the game...
Forest SpectreWith 3 quanta cheap costs, a favourite starthand-draw
Phase RecluseStrong attac for 4 quanta, its weak body doesn't annoy. Fast damage and if they get killed, there are enough other creatures coming.
Lava DestroyerStrong, but with 5 quanta to expensive to play it twice in this deck
Elite WyrmNot that strong crature, but like it is the only creature using

it can deal also enough damage
Elite chargerOnly one because of its price of 5 quanta, but good damage and ignoring walls
Fate eggRandom but okay to use my

Morning GloryGood damage and in the meaning of the Deck (any card that can be destroyed or stolen)
Improved steelOverall to take out enemys walls, against Colors without good walls to steel what's useful
Bone WallAt the beginning I played the deck with a flesh recluse, but it seems to be to weak. Also if I can play Bone Wall early, its almost ever an elemental mastery. Against other upgraded Rush-Decks, it's a winning-card.