4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vn 58v 58v 5fa 5fa 5i9 5lm 5lm 5oj 5ro 61t 61t 621 621 6rn 6rn 7q5 7q5 7q5
Try my slightly upgraded variant. I'm assuming some people at least have electrum hourglasses as their first 2 or 3 cards upgrade. Enchant artifact is pretty much removed to focus on killing FG without permanent control, this is to ensure at least you will have a win after 10 or so matches at least. Dimensional shield is there for staying power/elemental mastery. Eternity helps against some FGs like miracle and destiny. Sanctuary is needed for unupped deck otherwise black hole or devourers kills. Shards can be substituted with enchant artifact or purify.
From my experience:
Akebono: hard, this is where you want antimatters, your call
Chaos Lord: impossible, you need him to steal your sanctuary
Dark Matter: impossible, he seemed beyond reach for unupped pillars
Decay: very easy elemental masteries, if you force him to steal hourglasses and shields instead of pulvy or sanctuary, he is slow (100% win rate in 6 matches)
Destiny: moderate, need eternity
Divine Glory: almost impossible due to explosion
Dream Catcher: beyond impossible
Elidnis: easy, or moderate if he had good draws
Eternal Phoenix: very hard
Ferox: easy, depending on draws
Fire Queen: moderate
Gemini: hard, need luck
Graviton: very hard
Hecate: hard, need EA
Hermes: impossible
Incarnate: very easy
Jezebel: very hard need EA
Lionheart: hard, preferably need ea for pulvy, much better with aether mark
Miracle: moderate, takes forever -.-
Morte: hard needs purify
Neptune: super easy, 99% chance of winning (100% win rate in 15 matches)
Oblterator: hard, too fast
Octane: almost impossible
Osiris: easy
Paradox: hard, depends
Rainbow: impossible
Scorpio: moderately hard, easy with purify
Seism: impossible
Serket: almost impossible, need purify, permfrost
Decay, Incarnate and Neptune are pretty much guaranteed win most of the time, Osiris is easy too. In fact losing to Decay is almost impossible at least one EA.
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vn 58v 58v 5fa 5fa 5ia 5if 5lm 5lm 5oj 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 621 621 6rn 6rn 7q5 7q5
Something like this works too, putting mind flayer to counter massed momentum, usually gravity based deck, slight CC but i find more effective than antimatters since it removes other skills too.