I've got a pair of

and a pair of

You probably won't believe me, but personally I am not sure they work out as well as you might expect.

is expensive to cast at 9

. then 4

more to use, once. With only seven towers and the mark, its going to take a long time to get her out, then a wait to use her, and then another wait to use her again. The supernova based decks generate a burst of quantum for every color but

. Keep in mind that as these decks have evolved, eternity has fallen out of favor because with only 7 towers, it was too difficult to cast the eternity and then reliably have 3

use it. The nymph is even more expensive to cast and more expensive to use. The mark helps some, but not as much as you think.
For a select few games, she works and works soooo well its sick. However, for every 1 of those games, I am sure there are 5 more where I am sitting there with 6, 7 or 8

and the nymph in my hand and getting smashed by a large creature every turn. If I had an antimatter, that creature would have been countered. Honestly, I took them out and went back to straight antimatters. Essentially, the nymph vs antimatter trades more EMs for fewer wins.

nymph works a bit better because the supernovas help get her out and she is only 3:air to use. But again, you need 11

to get her out and use her 1 time. The gases also run against any mutated cells you have out meaning you cannot use the gasses until the end rather than popping 2-3 off to clear off weak creatures. She is also blocked by several FG with shields where you really want to use her most: miracle, fire queen.
Compare this with the FQ who only costs 7

to get out and 2

to use.
Truth be told, the nymphs work better in

-based rainbows with 12-14 towers, ~4 hourglasses. But these decks are slower than the supernova decks and thus get run over early game far more often. I also have not found a FG that the

version beats but the

does not BUT the

can easily beat seisim whereas the

has to get insanely lucky.
Personally, I think the nymphs are the big lie of elements. They are rare and everyone lusts after them, but once you get them, they are unwieldy to use and often there is a better choice.