From OP: Looks fun, since you asked for suggestions (in chat), here's a list of cards that I think might be in the "wrong ranking". Probably just -1 or +1, I'll even suggest a "swap" in between brackets from the same element. Dragons and Nymphs may have been made less common on purpose, but I'm going purely based on how powerful I think they are in general. I may be misjudging some cards in the meta of this event.
Life cards also feel too weak compared to other cards of the same rarity, but considering the amount of cards per rarity, their relative power among Life cards appears acceptable. Immolation decks also deserve a special note, since most cards for it are common or uncommon (Immolation and Lava Golem see little use outside of these specific decks, however). Not sure if this is a problem, but I thought it would be worth mentioning.
For the latest post:
With Pillars/Pendulums being separated into AI0, does that mean they are not a subset of common?
Gold vs Silver: you're basically paying extra only for a
chance at an ultra rare? Seems kinda lame.
Silver vs Bronze: Bronze is kinda expensive in comparison: the sell price of the rare and uncommon you gain extra (at the cost of only 2 commons) is the increase of price from Bronze to Silver. Adding that with Gold vs Silver comparison, I think it's fair to increase the price of Silver packs to 80