I enjoyed the concept for the last tourney "We're Only Human - Feb 16".
A few comments have been made regarding the legality of decks played in that tourney - I think part of the problem was some inconsistency in the way the rules were written.
In the OP of the tourney thread this rule is stated:
Each deck must contain at least four copies of male humanoids and four copies of female humanoids (8 cards total)
However in the FAQ the rule is modified to
The idea is that you have an equal amount of male and female creatures, so everyone (except dd) has a date on Valentine's Day :3
That is a small by significant difference - and because it wasn't stated clearly in the OP it can easily be missed in the FAQ (I know I did - I happened to see someone comment on it in chat that cause me to mod 2 of my decks which it affected).
In the OP of the tourney thread these three rules are stated:
1) The only creatures allowed are humanoid
2) All shields are banned
3) Rain of Fire, Ice Bolt, Fire Bolt, Poison, Drain Life, and their upgraded variants are banned
The FAQ then lists the banned cards - but only cards from rules #2 & #3 are listed - it was possible to miss the first rule in the OP (some players are more visual and use the card images as a comprehensive ban list)
Some of these inconsistencies have happened before - indeed Poison was originally missed from the ban list in this tourney (but was included in the banned card images) if a little more consistency could be brought to these details I think we'd see less of this sort of illegal deck play.
On the whole I'd like to thank our T.O.'s for the great job they do - I enjoyed the tourney. I was initially a little worried about a nymph heavy metagame (which I thought would preclude many newer players from joining), but was pleasantly surprised when deck building with the number of effective non-nymph decks that were available. Well done!