Okie, okie, it goes on, see, it's not double posting in propaganda because propaganda is where we meme & if anybody asks "Hey you kids, when's your curfew?" You just say "For the memes!"
Now it's too late for you to join


but sorry kids, you're just not cut out for it, we're both transparent & opaque, after the fact reveal, you won't pierce the veil, only when we lift it from your eyes, then don't you see?
Like in
The Broken Bubble, where Pat has a few drinks & paints the walls "she took the darkness with her" "covered the walls in it" I don't know, I don't have the book on me, it was good
Let's rage some more about school. In seventh grade we had to make a pamphlet. I made one on how to setup a terrarium. Ended up being graded worse than a friend of mine's whose project was a few sentences printed on a page. Meanwhile I had hand drawn illustrations. Teacher said she gave me the lower grade because she expected more from me than him. Like wow
& don't even get me started on group work. One person would tryhard & do it all & complain they did it all, meanwhile totally ignoring my suggestions. But here we are with new technology, with SMF we can all contribute our part separate from the whole, like a dagger behind a cloak, meshed until that final decisive frame
Does this translate? Darkness propaganda is an oxymoron. Let's be real tho, Team Darkness is the real Team Entropy, we'll out number Team Entropy's Marks of Entropy any day, these propaganda marks are a consolation prize in comparison