Duo-Decks / A burning nightmare!
« on: November 08, 2010, 04:32:59 am »Muahaha! xxLovexx Strikes for the first time with her original deck formally known as a BURNING NIGHTMARE!!!
Strategy: Use nightmares on either The vamps or the Phoenixs and watch as your opponent gasps in horror being forced into no draw and possible passing of their next few turns!
The vamps are unupgraded since this deck was mainly built to run efficiently with little quanta, and tbh, i prefer the small vamps over the upped ones, the little ones just get the job done better imo I teched a firelance since i am running dark pendulums with a fire mark, i thought if my fire quanta becomes a little excessive, i could explode for a huge cc target or some decent damage. the Firestorm helps with the cc in a much larger scale and explosions and the one steal helps keep those pesky shields down so my vamps and weps can suck the life right out of them 2 dusk shields to agonize my opponent even moar as their hands are full and their present monsters can't keep enough damage up to counter all my healing from my vamps and dagger MUAHAHA! and than 3 obsidian towers instead of a 6th pendulum just so i'm not TOO crowded on fire quanta I also kept it at 31 incase of a possible second win condition by decking out? o.o it's happened and i wasn't proud, but it was because they ran 30 and i ran 31
ANYWHO Possible other tech cards could include...
- daggers for swords! sometimes you'll have to choose between using the dark quanta early for either a quick dagger or a nightmare (very rarely) BUT! if you find this a big enough issue, go pick up some swords so you could use up some excess fire quanta and start hacking away!
- firelance for drain life! they both serve the same purpose but sometimes (actually most of the time) you'll have way more excess fire quanta than excess dark quanta so firelance seemed a better tech imo, plus it can take down much bigger things (like some dragons with 5 health + so on) but if you think vamps and daggers just isn't enough healing by all means go tech in drain life instead
-minor vamps for upped parasites! basically the vamps are just a low cost creature to be played and clog your opponents hand. I found vamps the most efficient for moderate damage and healing, but upped parasites although a little stronger and cost less, have less def and don't heal, so either one works, if you're not the type of person to wait and just wanna get the job done, upped parasites could def work as well.
So this deck is meant for pvp purposes but i also found it to be a moderately ok t50 farmer and AI3 farmer with many EM's invovled so yes this is my first deck, i don't want any special treatment though, any comments, suggestions and/or random blurbs are allowed and greatly appreciated! Kthxbai!