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Messages - The_GrimReaper (50)

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General Discussion / Re: Elements Nymph Count
« on: February 16, 2012, 10:11:56 pm »
 :entropy :entropy :life  :fire
Still waiting for a grav one.

Card Art / Re: Request Card Art Here!
« on: February 16, 2012, 09:52:25 pm »
Can someone design me some art for a card called trojan horse please. The page for it is here:,36652.0.html
I haven't been able to contact the artist of the picture it has now so I need a new one. Something similar would be nice but I'm open to any ideas. Thanks in advance =)
Until I manage to fix my graphics programm, I probably won't be able to come up with something better. I guess it should work as a placeholder, though?
weirdly, the sky seems a lot more purple than on my computer...

Card Art / Re: I made some Gravity card art. Please have a look!
« on: February 09, 2012, 10:54:06 pm »
^That would be Great A'Tuin

On topic: The Art looks great. I don't really have any crazily original ideas for the card mechanics, though. Only things I could think of from the top of my head would be some sort of CC-resistance (as in passive: Any damage done to this card is reduced by 2. Potentially fun with rage potions) or perhaps some form of shield ability (as in: Shields a creature. Any card which would target that creature targets the Behemoth turtle instead.)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: New Event! - Community made card - Stage 3
« on: April 28, 2011, 10:31:42 am »
Maybe parallel to submissions we could also have a little discussion?

From Wiki:
Ice, alchemy and aquiatic beings are under the control of water elementals. Some examples of water elementals skills are: "freeze", "ice bolt", and "purify", which is used to remove poisons. Water elementals have a good balance between offensive and defensive skills.

We have one shield that also freezes attacking creatures, one weapon that can destroy pillars/pendulums and flooding, which can kill creatures. So we've got ice (in a defensive way) and the destructive form of water (in the field of permanents, that is). While this card may very well emphasize on of those aspects, I'd like to concentrate on the others.
We could add a more offensive usage for ice like (please do not take the following as a suggestion) Shatter: Deal 2 damage to every creature when it becomes frozen/unfrozen (one of those). I personally like the duo approach as with shockwave better, though.
On the other hand, we could also add a more defensive usage of the water-aspect, something that, judging from the submissions, seems to be favored. What do we associate with water that fits this direction of thinking? We've got cleansing in the submissions. Submerging fits in, but it's nothing all too new. What else? Thinking of the calm sea, equalizing comes into my mind, maybe stability, which gets a bit close to gravity, though. (on a slightly different note: dissolving etc).
Synergy would be another aspect we could think about. For example Water as the base of life (we've got Forest Spectre already). Balancing seems to combine it with gravity, as well as the tides. Freedom connects it with air. Earth and death are synergies already which could be strengthened.

My 2 :electrum.

Forge Archive / Re: Mirror Pendulum | Mirror Pendulum
« on: April 24, 2011, 08:56:40 am »
+ fractal (which is like deliberate anti-nightmare)
+ steal/TU (anything with activation cost)
+ mitosis in combination with any of the above

I like it. Two guaranteed votes now.

Chaos Lord / Re: Oracle : Chaos Lord
« on: April 14, 2011, 06:01:29 pm »
+ Butterfly effect. The only non-rare PC you don't need 4 of to kill his shield (and annoying discords).
For PU, you get the same kind of mutant, but with a random stat bonus and a new ability (same quanta type because it's the same base creature). Not bad, but without quint he may remutate them and he still has twice your health.

Judging from the decks already posted, Mindflayer or Lobo is almost essential. I'd much rather go for PC or poison than Momentum as it seems a lot more reliable, even though mutated creatures keep momentum.

Might just as well repost this here, 12/20 wins (5EM), but could be more if I'd stick to the rules I've set myself when playing this. ~330 secs. for a win though.
Code: [Select]
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vo 4vo 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5if 5if 5if 5if 5if 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig

Crucible Archive / Re: Lunarity | Lunarity
« on: April 04, 2011, 08:01:40 pm »
That exactly what I'm NOT saying. I'm saying that a mono/duo/trio deck will have almost no chance to bring down the shield from 90-100 percent, because it has to pay !8 times! the quanta you pay.
The obvious alternative would be to decrease the cost of low tides. But that would make the card close to worthless against rainbows, hence I said that I don't see it as the way to go.
Keeping the cost but adding a cap will give mono/duo decks at least a small chance to defeat it (it will stay at the cap, but the creatures will hit occasionally), while it still does reasonably well against a rainbow (since the 8x quanta cost doesn't need to be changed). 80% was a random number I made up. I don't know how much it should be or if the inital cost would have to changed.

Crucible Archive / Re: Lunarity | Lunarity
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:35:05 am »
I really like the idea, but the ability cost for Low Tides is a killer for every mono deck. You have to pay 1 gravity quanta (which you can do multiple times per turn) while your enemy has to pay 8 quanta to revert the effect. (talking about the upped one obviously)
A lower cost, however, would make it rather weak against any kind of rainbow deck.
My suggestion would be to add a cap at about 80% miss chance. Nothing you can't beat, but will slow down the opponent immensly.

Forge Archive / Re: Onslaught | Onslaught
« on: April 02, 2011, 12:55:42 pm »
I like this card.  It's grammatically incorrect, though, and should say 'fewer creatures' rather than 'less creatures'.
Fixed. Thanks, you probably just saved me one round of resubmitting. One of those things I always forget :P

Thanks to everyone else for the nice comments as well. Let's see how this will do in crucible.

« on: April 01, 2011, 05:10:45 pm »
This deck really works wonders, and that for a very fair cost of 0 :electrum.

However, it was originally created by AwesomeFish. He should get the attention for this deck which probably required many hours of testing, taking cards in and taking cards out (mostly the latter). You should put more emphasis on that fact.

Humor / Re: HURRY THE $*&% UP | HURRY THE $*&% UP (card idea)
« on: April 01, 2011, 08:10:18 am »
A good buff for every mindless grinding deck. I like it. Too bad the AI knows how to use this.
Ready for Armory I would say.

Humor / Re: Unupped*** False God Grinder: 65% win rate!!!
« on: April 01, 2011, 08:05:56 am »
COME ON! Just one more win and you've beaten I've GotP Time!
I lol'ed at dark matter and dream catcher. "Hope for" hits the nail right on the head. :P

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