The Arena / What determins the number of matches my arena deck gets?
« on: October 22, 2011, 08:01:12 pm »
Hi there. I have a decent deck in gold league, best place was 16 I think, now its around 30. Yesterday I noticed that my deck,4 day old, had about the same ammount of games as decks that were 3 day old. That means about 10 matches less than decks that are as old as my deck. Since yesterday my deck had alltogeather 4 matches. I don't see other 5 days old decks with the same(or less) matches as my deck, but I see a lot of "younger"(almost all 4 days old and I think I saw some 3 days old as well) decks with more matches played. Is there a way to influence the ammount of matches your deck plays in the arena?