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Messages - Akimbwo (17)

Pages: [1] 2
Movies & TV / Re: My little pony, FiM (bronies yay!
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:59:40 pm »
Fluttershy is EPIC :DDDD

Forum Game Archive / Re: Corrupt A Wish 3.0
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:56:59 pm »
Wish granted, but the dark side will not lend you cookies.

I wish for  :fire to be underpowered

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 5.0
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:55:26 pm »
You get: Nope,9545.0.html (,9545.0.html) (108)
just thought of that after I posted, but was too lazy to edit.

you get to know that there's no such thing as off-topic discussions on this thread

I insert....  hmmmm  i don't know....  maybe waffles?  waffles are sooooo gooooood.  yum. *licks lips*  OH!  but not as good as...*builds suspense*DUNDUNDUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNone more...I lied.  Now, one more.I insert BLUEBERRY WAFFLESyes.  you came all this way...  just for that.
Lol'ed you get a red blueberry (idk)

I insert a jelly bean.

Trio & Quartet / Re: Fun Pillarless Speed Deck: "The Creation of Life"
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:52:05 pm »
Tried it out, loved it. Very nice efficiency and easy to get off the ground. Keep it up!

Now I need more than 30 forum posts :P
Looks really nice, might show up :D

General Discussion / Re: Elemental balls [DOOM]
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:42:25 pm »
Elemental balls? Nice concept!

General Discussion / Re: thank you oracle
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:40:10 pm »
Best I got was an Azure Dragon. :D


Water / Re: Mono Water AI3 Grinder
« on: July 31, 2011, 06:25:30 pm »
Mmmkay, I fooled around with this deck for a while and recorded a bunch of stats.

Winrate= 91.67%
Electrum/hour= 1100
Average TTW= 8.25
Average Time/game=1:13 minutes

Strengths: Over average resistance to damage-dealing CC and Otyughs.

Weaknesses: 65% Chance of slow, 2-turn draws. Fairly slow rush

To turn the deck into a rush: Upgrades. Replace a few bolts with dragons and swap bolts for freezes/congeals for efficiency.
To strengthen the deck's CC: Switch the bolts for freezes, they cost less quanta and will give you enough time to finish off your opponent. OR: Switch up a few dragons for blue crawlers, add mark of air (slower but meaner).
To strengthen the deck's defence: Add shield??

Deck Help / Re: Phase Spider + Sparktral
« on: July 30, 2011, 09:13:54 pm »
Used this deck on the tournament, I switched it around a lot until I found the better combination (I subbed the dagger for an extra spider).
My plan was mostly to put the spiders down as soon as I could and use fractal sparks to accelerate the damage. As soon as the sparks and spiders are upgraded it's a piece of cake.

PvP Tournaments / Re: Post your tournament ideas here
« on: July 30, 2011, 08:38:42 pm »
In order to win a game, you must kill your opponent in a minimum of 2 (or 3) turns.

Akimbwo 2
Master Katie 1

Pages: [1] 2