This is to keep a track of ideas i had/have, but don't have time to devellop on atm. Any feedback is welcome. Once i get the time, i will try to make them into proper cards, with art & all. Feel free to use any of those ideas.
Waiting for comments :
-Mind Jab | Forgetfulness
/ 3
All creatures lose their active abilities.
-Peace / Peace
/ 5
No damage can be dealt while this is in play. Fragile : This card is destroyed if targeted.
Note : Fragile is meant to be a new passive ability
-Jail / Prison
Element and cost to determine
Each turn, a random creature on the board is delayed for three turns / Each turn, one of your opponent's creature is delayed for two turns.
-Chaos Priest / Chaos High Priest
Cost to determine.
Creature : 3l4 (4l4)
Synergy. A random creature you control gets a boost for a turn | Synergy. A random creature you control gets a powerful boost for a turn.
Notes : Boost ranges from +0 to +3. Powerful boost is one of +0, +2, +4, +6, with equal chances.
Synergy : new passive ability : Creature gains +1|+1 for each stack of Pillars|Pendulums of her quanta type.
Series : Priests (more to come later)
-Death Priest / Death High Priest
Cost to determine.
Creature : 5|2 (6|2)
Synergy. Generates one Soul each time a creature dies. | Synergy. Generates one Elite Soul each time a creature dies.
Notes : Synergy : new passive ability : Creature gains +1|+1 for each stack of Pillars|Pendulums of her quanta type.
Skeletons and Souls do not trigger the effect.
Series : Priests
-Soul | Elite soul
| 3
Creature : 3|0 (4|0)
When Soul dies, you gain 5HP. | When Elite Soul dies, you gain 5HP.
Note : Souls don't trigger Boneyard.
*facedesk* thanks to manaboy for commentin' in chat about not removin' swarm for Soul.
Thanks to Hyroen for giving a nice tweak in the idea.
-Darkness Priest / Darkness High Priest
Cost to determine.
Creature : 2|5 (2|6)
Synergy. Each ennemy creature produces one quanta of their element in your quanta pool.
Notes : Synergy : new passive ability : Creature gains +1|+1 for each stack of Pillars|Pendulums of her quanta type.
Series : Priests
-Time Priest / Time High priest
Cost to determine.
Creature : 1|4
Synergy. As long as this is in play, every permanent without an active ability gains : 4 :(element of the permanent) hasten. / Synergy. As long as this is in play, every permanent without an active ability gains : 3 :(element of the permanent) hasten.
Notes : Synergy : new passive ability : Creature gains +1|+1 for each stack of Pillars|Pendulums of her quanta type.
Ability does not affect "other" permanents, weapons, shields or pillars.
Series : Priests
-Air Priest / Air High Priest
Cost to determine.
Creature : 3|3 (4|4)
Synergy. Each turn, a random permanent becomes a creature.
Notes : Synergy : new passive ability : Creature gains +1|+1 for each stack of Pillars|Pendulums of her quanta type.
Ability does not affect weapon, shields, pillars/pendulums . Attack/HP value is equal to cost/cost +1 (cost+1/cost +2 if priest is upped). Permanents with a counter are animated with one poison counter. Abilities are kept. Contrarily to the animate weapon spell, permanents animated this way do *not* gain the airbone ability.Ò
Series : Priests
-Fire Priest / Fire High Priest
Cost to determine.
Creature : 5|2 (5|3)
Synergy. Each time a creature does not deal damage, it gains +1|+0 / Synergy. Each time a creature does not deal damage, it gains +2|+0.
Notes : Synergy : new passive ability : Creature gains +1|+1 for each stack of Pillars|Pendulums of her quanta type.
Typical example of creature not dealing damage : Sundial, Phase shield, Wings, Delayed, Frozen, Attack < protection value of ennemy's shield...
Series : Priests
Changed due to comments :
- River / Spring
/ 5
Each turn this is in play, every non-fire creature you own is healed for 1 HP.
- Self absorbance / Egocentrism
/ 8
When an opponent's creature activates an ability, it is delayed for 1 turn. / When an opponent's creature activates an ability, it is delayed for 2 turns.
- Shadow / Dark Image
/ 5
Creature (0/1)
Shadow : At the end of each turn, this creature has the stats of the most powerful (sum of stats) the opponents has in play.
Needs art & time to be sent to smithy :
- Altar of Blood / Temple of Blood
/ 4
Each time a creature an opponent's creature dies, its max HP is added to yours.
Note : if you have multiples of this card in play, only one is activate when a creature dies.
- Running/Sprinting
/ 4
Maintenance = X
, where X is the number of turns any running card has been in play. You can not be damaged while this is in play.
- Ray of destruction/ Ray of annhilation
/ 4
Destroys 1 permanent on each field each time your turn begins
- Decay/Decay
/ 3
Each turn, both players gain one poison counter.
- Brain shuffle/Brain puzzle :
/ 2
As long as this is in play, at the end of each turn, the player who just played shuffles his hand into the deck and picks the same number of card he had in his hand before the shuffle.
- Hate / Hatred
/ 6
Permanent, Counter 4
Each time a creature gets targeted, it gains +2|+0. Cumulative. / Each time a creature gets targeted , it gains +3|-1. Cumulative.
Notes : added a counter to stop it from being OP due to healing & other positive abilities
- Hive mind / Hive faith
/ 7
Each time you play a creature, every identical creature you have gains +1|+1. / Each time you play a creature, every identical creature you have gains +2|+2.
- Ambition / Ambition
/ 6
Each time your opponent plays a creature, your creature with the highest sum of stats gains +1|+0. / Each time your opponent plays a creature, your creature with the highest sum of stats gains +2|+1.
- Mind Burn / Mind Flame
/ 3
Sacrifice : The next card played by your opponent is discarded instead. Your opponent does not see that you sacrificed this card till he plays a card.
- Emancipation / Freedom
/ 7
Creatures now have a 10% chance of attacking their owner/ Creatures now have a 20% chance of attacking their owner.
- Slowdown / Bullet-time
/ 6
Permanent, counter = 5
As long as this is in play, both players can only play one card per turn. / As long as this is in play, opponent can only play one card per turn.
Seems to be nicely tuned. Crucible worthy?
- Last Stand/Last Hope :
/ 4
Each turn, your creature with the highest HP gains gravity pull.,25502.0.htmlIn crucible, YAY! :
- Love / Adoration
/ 6
Each time you activate a creature's ability, the creature gains +1|+1 for one turn. Not cumulative. / Each time you activate a creature's ability,
the creature gains +2|+2 for one turn. Not cumulative.,24556.msg334807#msg334807 (,24556.msg334807#msg334807)
Too complicated/not worth a card, kept as a possible future source of inspiration :
- Musician / Composer
/ 6
Stats = 1|5 / 1|7
Music : A random music effect happens. Removes silence. Immaterial. / 2
Masterpiece : A random masterpiece effect happens. Removes silence. Immaterial
Music effects (chance) : Chaos seed is cast on a random number of creatures on each field (35%) / Mutation is cast on a random number of creatures on each field (35%) / Pandemonium (unupped) is cast (20%) / Musician loses a random number of health (5%)
Masterpiece effects (chance) : Chaos power is cast on a random number of creatures on your field (35%) / Improved Mutation is cast on a random number of creatures on your field (35%) / Pandemonium (upped) is cast (20%) / Composer loses a random number of health -1 (minimum 1) (5%)
Random number chance = (100/Sum of possible targets (current health for last effect))%
Example : last effect happens on a 4 health Composer. He can :
a)Lose 1 health (50% chance)
b)Lose 2 health (25% chance)
c)Lose 3 health (25% chance)
- Kiwi / Ninja kiwi
/ 5
Creature (1|5 / 3|5)
As long as this creature is in play, the ennemy's weapon doesn't attack.