Yeah, the other one generates more quanta than a normal pillar/pendulum, so is probably OP to some degree, but this simply generates 1 different quanta when played, and then resorts to being a normal pillar. I like the idea, but as you said it would generate 132 different types to be purchased from the bazar, which just wouldn't work, so I would recommend you take the middle road between the 2 ideas and say "generates 1 quanta when played for (insert element of card) and then generates quanta matching your mark."
I realise this still works very differently to your card because you cant do the following situation:
"I NEED 12 Air quanta, and I want to get it all in 6 turns, so I can't just run it off the mark: enter new card, play 6 of the new fountain and gain 6 air quanta, but then continuously generate life" (because life doesn't match your mark) And in this same situation playing 12 fountains just isn't realistic.
+1 for the idea, but I don't see how it would be viable in its current form, unless you can select the continuous quanta when the card is played, and that would also be OP because then you just choose what ever you're lacking quanta in = no quanta issues ever.
(Maybe have it so that all fountains in play will only ever generate 1 element, and only the first element you selected so you cant just choose your pillar types as they come out)