You guys got the memo from the title, now let's get started already!

I got Ghost Of The Past. What am I supposed to build? Ghostmare of course! Wait.... but isn't that a little..... overdone? Lame? Unoriginal? Boring? Yeah, yeah it is. So what can I make for today that isn't usually done? Hmm... what if I take my HPKiller Farmer and make it an actual deck in arena?
My thought process.
Overall, it currently is 17-1 with 9/17 thumbs. Rank 49 Rating 100. Everything maxed except Wisdom. 2 Days Old. Can't wait to see how this ends up faring.

peaked at Rank 19 with 16-0 At 9-0 with 5/9 thumbs (Rank 46 Rating 84) it was previously the highest ranked/rated of the Age: 0 decks in Plat.

Did way better than I originally expected.
Finally Lost @ 17-1
Final Stats - 31-4 14/31 thumbs ups Rank 54 Rating 85 Age:3(192HP)
The 4 losses came in the 2nd and 3rd days. Didn't feel like being stale and leaving it up for much longer. 540 Electrum Gained Total.
From here on out I'll be updating after I take the deck down like dragon does rather than continuos updating while it is up.